How to Get on Extreme Makeover Home Edition

One of the most watched shows on television today is Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.  Almost everyone you talk to has heard of or has seen the show that is widely gaining popularity with all of the good they do for the less fortunate.  The show focuses on families that have had some sort of major life experience that has drastically changed their lives such as a tragic accident or the loss of a loved one.  Some of the people that have appeared on the show have been afflicted with a life threatening illness, have a child that is terminally ill or have been through some other life changing event such as surviving a shooting at their place of employment.

The show has been around for five seasons and they continue to change the lives of families in need.  This is an award winning show and just by watching it one time you will get an idea of why it has won awards.  Many people are familiar with the saying "move that bus" from the show.  That is when they reveal the new house that was built to the family it was built for.  Generally the hosts of the show work together with friends and family of the chosen family to get them out of the home for a week.  This may be done by sending the family on an all expenses paid vacation.  Once they are shipped off, the crew comes in and gets the help of local people and businesses to the home makeover happen.

Most of the time, all the materials and supplies are donated by local businesses and the town in which the family lives in.  It is truly amazing as the entire neighborhood generally pulls together to help tear down and rebuild a completely new home.  The home is tailored to meet the needs of the family.  If there is someone in the family that has a certain illness or problem that limits what they can do, the team creates a home that will work for that person as well as the rest of the family.  From blindness to being allergic to the sun, they can do it all.  The house of is made over in one week's time.

When applying to be on extreme home edition, it can help to know what they are looking for in a winning family.  They do not just go with any family that needs a home makeover, they go with families that really need some assistance and have struggled with overwhelming challenges.  They want to take a family that went through a horrific tragedy and give them hope again.

Getting on the show can be harder then you think.  First you need to make a video of your story or the story of your friend or family that you want on the show.  You then go to the official website -- to print out an application for the deserving family, no matter whether it's your family or someone else's.  You then send in your finished application along with pictures and a video of the home that you want to have redone.  Then you wait.

Keep in mind that there are thousands and thousands of videos and letters received so it takes time for the producers to read all of the applications and watch all of the videos.  Once they make their selection, it is up to Ty and the team to get together and hit the road.  If your video is chosen Ty and the team will arrange for you and your family to have a much needed family getaway.  This is where they come in and work their magic.  The results are then broadcast for the world to see and the lives of the whole family are changed forever.

You can nominate your own family or the family of someone you know.  This can be a co-worker, a brother or sister, even a neighbor.  Everyone has a chance.  You need to show the producers why the family you chose should be on the show and get their dream house.  It truly is a show that pulls on the heart stings of everyone who watches it or has come to be a volunteer on the show for their loved or neighbor.

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