Winter Holiday

(A Chick Evens story from Minnesota, based on the facts, 1956)

The Icy-Mississippi

The snow the sidewalks, streets, a thin layer, the Mississippi River at the beginning of four-inch ice houses and buildings are all the fires burning in the fireplaces, furnaces burn, as I hurry to the cold early to Saturday Air sell newspapers "five cents!" This in December 1956 and I'm ten years old, has just turned ten years in October.

IPeople sitting in their homes, men, women and children, as if their thoughts are free, their clock 06:00, some houses are covered with snow, some spots even seem to smile, with their silhouettes of shadow.

Some of the houses are completely dark, dark gray solid, I think people do not have crawled out of bed yet. In other homes, I laugh when I go to Jackson Street St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper to my stackPapers on the corner of Forth and Robert Streets sale. I also ice, Mississippi, to see where I sand.

In the cold morning quiet, the houses seem whispers as if they tell their secrets, but I'm too young to stop and listen, I'm not even a hunter stories. They can only say that I'm too young to fully understand.

I walk a dozen houses, two, then three dozen, now building, the doors are now open burst.

I'll scream, "St. PaulPioneer Press! ... Five cents! "

Slow motion, people who talk slow walk. I think my business is the most interesting cities, but obviously you would not think that ten years. It also seems a touch of romance in this area of the paper.

No: 539 (12/05/2009) Ltd.

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