Monopoly and Mortgage: Playing the Game

Remember monopoly? Remember mortgages? You know, the text that's written when you flip your title deed. Flipping the title deed means your property is on mortgage and you'll get money from the bank.

Sounds simple right? Wrong. There's much more to it than that.

Here are the things you need to know about the game and how to get most out of your mortgages.

The idea of the game is to buy and rent and sell properties so profitably that one becomes the wealthiest player and eventual "monopolist". Starting from "go" move tokens around the board according to the throw of dice.

When a player's token lands on a space not yet owned, he may buy it from the bank: otherwise it is auctioned off to the highest bidder.

The purpose of owning property is to collect rents from opponents landing there. Rentals are greatly increased if you put houses (those little green ones) and hotels (those dreaded red infrastructures).

So your best bet in winning the game is to put the most houses or hotels in your lots. (That's assuming you don't land in your opponents' lots with houses or hotels).

To raise more money, lots may be mortgaged to the bank. Here comes the tricky part. That includes deciding which lots to mortgage and how you can get the most out of your mortgaged property.

Mortgages in monopoly can be done only through the bank. The mortgage value is printed on each title deed. The rate of interest is 10 percent, payable when the mortgage is lifted. If any property is transferred which is mortgaged, the new owner may lift the mortgage at once if he wishes, but must pay 10 percent interest.

If he fails to lift the mortgage he still pays 10 percent interest and if he lifts the mortgage later on he pays an additional 10 per cent interest as well as the main value.

Houses or hotels cannot be mortgaged. All buildings on the lot must be sold back to the bank before any property can be mortgaged. The bank will pay one-half of what was paid for them.

In order to rebuild a house on mortgaged property the owner must pay the bank the amount of the mortgage, plus the 10 percent interest charge and buy the house back from the bank at its full price.

When you mortgage a property, you can use the money for anything you want to, so long as it's legal under the rules of monopoly. The only restriction in this regard is that a player cannot pre-mortgage a property to finance its own purchase.

For example, say a player wants to purchase Boardwalk but can't do it with his or her current assets. That player cannot say, "I'm going to buy Boardwalk by mortgaging it, and then using the money I get for the mortgage to complete the purchase." You must own a property before you can mortgage it.

Playing the game is fun and it will give you an idea of how it is in the real buy and sell world. There are also the Community Chest and Chance spaces which players land on. Instructions ranging from winning $25 dollars to $500 dollars are given. Sometimes players even land in jail! This game is definitely a clever and amusing entertainment.

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Aishwariya - Ice is mentally disturbed due to past experiences. She falls in love with Vikram. But Vikram is committed to Sneha, his would be wife. Ice denies accepting Vikram and Snehas relation. This angers her so much that she tries to kill them but does not succeed. Before the situations get worse she is sent to mental hospital.

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Arm Tattoos For Men - Tribal, Armband, Skull and More Tattoo Design Tips

The arm tattoos for men seem to be an expression of our tough and rough side. For us guys, we would love to think that the ladies find it sexy and charming. As you may have noticed, the tats in the arms are easily seen as compared to other body parts. You can find a lot of men with body arts on their upper arm and arm sleeves. The designs also vary like tribal, skulls, and many others.

Arm tats are timeless and even though a lot of men are into back and chest tattoos, arm bands are always trendy. Whether you have a conservative or rebellious personality, this is a great addition to your physical features. Here are great design tips for your arm tattoos:

Fire-breathing dragons
Tribal designs

More and more people are now willing to experiment on tats. Getting a tattoo is really easy. If you want, you can use the internet to locate body art shops in your area. Find a safe and reputed body ink artist in your area. The artist can provide you with great tips on the right designs. Always consider your personality when choosing the appropriate design. If you're funky or sporty, you can experiment on the most suitable body inks.

Price is another consideration when getting a tat. The quality body ink artists usually charge a reasonable price and this will depend on the area where you want the tat to be. For the arm tattoos for men, the charge is usually lower as compared to the chest or back tats. You can shop around for the best deals but here's a tip - never sacrifice quality with a low price.

The designs mentioned earlier as only some of the most poplar. There are still many other designs in the market that you can choose from like angels, heart, fairy, dolphin, nautical star, tiger, koi fish, and many others.

Men should spend some time in looking for the perfect arm tat that will suit their personality. Thanks to the internet, looking for the perfect body art is really easy. Conduct your search online by using any of the major search engines to find the arm tattoos for men. There are many websites on body arts that you can visit. This is your chance to find the best arm tattoos in the market. Go ahead and find a reputed body artist. If you can find one in your local area the better since you don't have to go someplace else.

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Rental Car Adventures! -- RCC Week (2 of 4)

California Travel Vlog Playlist -- September 22/23, 2011: With filming for "Roller Coaster Commotion" finished, Jon spends the middle of his week in Los Angeles visiting Mann's Chinese Theater, and exploring expensive rental cars at Hertz . Video 2 of 4. ~~ Jon's Adventure Vlog ~~ Whenever Jon ventures out into the world to do something exciting, he will take you along for the adventure! These videos will be posted sporadically, and often in small bursts immediately following any traveling Jon does - but the schedule depends on when Jon actually goes on an adventure! Jonathan Paula is a 25-year-old professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". He graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production and Radio Broadcasting. He lives in Rockingham, New Hampshire with his fiancée. ~~ Links ~~ Facebook ----------- Twitter --------------- The World ---------- Game Time -------- Main Channel ----- My Best Movies -- FAQ Video --------- T-Shirts ------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Riley's Canon PowerShot SX210 Software --------- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Computer ------- • Jogwheel Productions © 2011 • ~

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18 Ways to Create Marketing Buzz

Are you looking for ways to get people talking about your brand? An increasing frustration with traditional media has driven businesses and marketing firms to start employing more creative means of getting customers attention beyond the traditional media outlets. You may hear this referred to as viral, word-of-mouth or buzz marketing and this method is attaining broad popularity as an inexpensive and highly effective marketing method.

What is Viral Marketing, Word-of-Mouth, or Buzz Marketing?

Viral Marketing is a way of capturing attention of consumers and the media to the point where talking about your brand becomes interesting conversation. Generating a buzz is based on either customers' personal experience with brands or what other people have told them about these brands. When this experience becomes interesting, your brand and what your company is doing become a source of entertainment, and your brand becomes newsworthy. Basically it's unconventional, it's economical and it's powerful. Buzz marketing is capturing the attention of consumers and the media to the point where talking about your brand becomes entertaining, fascinating, and newsworthy. Buzz marketing is about starting conversations. In a nutshell, buzz marketing is about getting people talking and getting the media writing about your brand. With Buzz Marketing you stop talking at consumers, and start talking to them.

Why does buzz work?

Today's noisy advertising environment has forced marketers to become more creative and some say even slightly devious with their methods. Consumers are subject to constant information overload and are wary and distrustful of companies due to scandals and scams they have heard about or been victims of in the past. All of that buyer's remorse from past bad purchase decisions has built up and created a wall of sales resistance that they psychologically throw up whenever faced with something that appears to be a marketing message or sales pitch. Conversely, consumers like to rely on friends and peers for product and service recommendations and will do less shopping around and are more apt to act based on recommendations of people the know. This has long fueled efforts to increase customer referrals for companies. Another way to enter a customer's mindshare is through buzz marketing, which is simply the process of sharing information through the natural social networks of your target market that helps them in the decision-making process. That way, instead of coming from a faceless and distrusted corporation, the marketing message instead seems to emanate from the most powerful endorser possible: your coolest friend.

How is it different than traditional advertising?

Most marketing, advertising, and PR employs a push strategy, where you push your message out into the marketplace at people, typically when they are not seeking it. Many people do not enjoy or appreciate this approach. Good marketers know that using a pull strategy to market their products and services can result in close rates at least twice as high as a traditional push strategy. Doubling your marketing effectiveness is certainly worth paying attention to. Buzz marketing is powerful because it gets customers to seek you out.

Why is this a good time for Buzz?

Marketing today is in a state of turmoil. Industry leaders say traditional marketing campaigns, based on mass media advertising, are not working anymore. And the facts back them up. A 2004 study into advertising effectiveness by Deutsche Bank in the US consumer packaged goods sector found that only 18 percent of television advertising campaigns generate a positive return on annual investment, while the Harvard Business Review reports that for every dollar invested into traditional advertising for consumer packaged goods, the short-term return on investment is just 54 cents. Marketing in the business-to-business sector fares no better. An astonishing 84 percent of B2B marketing campaigns actually result in a fall in market share and brand equity. Word of mouth connections are highly influential. A 2004 UK survey of 10,000 consumers by consultants CIA:MediaEdge found that 76 percent cite word of mouth as their main influence on their purchasing decisions, compared with traditional advertising's mere 15 percent. In the US, NOP (now GfK) research shows that 92 percent of Americans cite word of mouth as their preferred source of product information. Studies show that when it comes to generating excitement about products, word of mouth is 10 times more effective than TV or print advertising. Younger consumers, who are still forming their brand preferences, are among the most coveted by marketers. These days they spend less time planted in front of the tube and are more skeptical about the messages they receive there. Therefore a recommendation for a product or service from a trusted friend is more memorable and convincing than the cleverest television ad and more likely to be turned into action.

What are the benefits?

Many are saying that buzz represents the future and will surpass traditional ads in regards to maintaining consumer brand-interest. If I can involve one person really deeply in my brand in 50 cities, vs. 50 people in one city, I'll take the former every time, says Mark Hughes, author of Buzzmarketing: Get People to Talk About Your Stuff. Jon Berry of research company Nop World, and author of The Influentials, argues that word of mouth is worth more than twice what it was in the 1970s in affecting consumer purchases, and it's 150 percent more influential than newspaper and magazine advertising or articles. Another benefit of buzz marketing is the ability to break through customers' natural defense mechanisms that they typically have up when receiving marketing messages. Customers think of you more like a friend and less like a business trying to sell them something, and that is a great place to be.

You're speaking face-to-face, which gives you attention and mindshare. Another reason word of mouth works so well is credibility. When your friend, neighbor, co-worker or a family member tells you about a great movie, product or service you believe them. They're not being paid to pitch the item and so you give them full credibility. That's why having a great product matters so much: If you can really wow people, they will tell their friends and neighbors. Such face-to-face attention creates superior memory retrieval. In a study of two groups presented with advertising information with the brand removed, only 49 percent of people recalled advertising based on a visual cue, while 70 percent recalled advertising from a thirty-second musical cue. Given the right context of attention, audio stimuli can be far superior to visual.

Buzz marketing is one of the hottest trends in marketing today. By applying these 18 techniques in your business you'll see people buzzing about your brand.

Here's how to do it:

1. Start with your initial or existing base of satisfied customers. While enrolling new consumers, a successful buzz marketing strategy bases itself on the impact these consumers could have on the next potential customer. Providing a positive customer experience establishes trust. This trust is rewarded with consumers acting as buzz marketing agents, literally working for brands free of charge. The consumers who are first to climb aboard and become evangelists of your brand.

2. Pick a target market you can find. Where does your target market hang out? If you're selling hot pink lipstick you might find that your main customers are at the corner of Pine and Main Street wearing stilettos and pleather. Make them easily definable and be able to name the specific areas where they go so you can target your target market.

3. Find the thought leaders. Every social culture has its thought leaders. Building a successful buzz campaign hinges on finding the right carriers for the message: influencers who are obsessed with staying one step ahead of their peers. You must find, connect, and collaborate with the people who influence your brand, lead opinions, and spread word of mouth. Look for opinion-leading individuals who frequently offer or are elicited for category-related advice. Thought leaders are the 10percent of society that help influence the majority of all purchasing decisions. They are not necessarily the customers who spend the most money with you, but they are the most important people you can reach because your target market takes their advice. They hold a social power that will amplify the affect of your word of mouth campaign.

After finding influencers, make sure that you develop ongoing, two-way relationships with them from giving them a trial before the product is available to the mass market, to going back a step and getting them involved in your research and development. Try to give them experiences that exceed expectations. This will generate goodwill and advocacy that will go a long way toward kick-starting positive word of mouth and wider interest in your product, service, or campaign.

4. Again, find the influences and give out freebies. Think outside of the box. Rather than blitzing the airways with expensive TV commercials, give out freebies to select people who are trendsetters. Targeting the influential people you will get more visibility for your product or service by others who are their friends or assistants and who will buy based on the trendsetters. It is worth it to give out what you can for free that will allow customers to experience how great your brand is.

5. Use fake shoppers. One way to get closer to your customers is to show up right under their noses without them even seeing you. Often buzz marketers cover their tracks, at least initially. Slip into the conversational pathways of the target market and those who heavily influence their peers.

6. Work at a grassroots level. Get out there and hit the streets. Buzz requires manpower, whether its volunteers, paid representative, or evangelists that just can't stop talking. Create a culture around your brand, something that people can stand for, support and be proud of. Get into their neighborhoods. The most successful buzz marketers start on the streets, in the places people live, eat, work, socialize, etc..

7. Piggyback off an existing trend or cause. Look for a trend that your target audience is currently interested in, such as environmentalism. If you can show them that you are interested in the same things that they are, you'll make fast friends and get them talking.

8. Go to the point of sale. Stage an impromptu demonstration, create a display that will attract your customers or have actors put on a show around your product. If you are going to get people talking, get them talking as close to the point of purchase decision as possible.

9. The more unusual and shocking the better. Traditional ad campaigns have lost some of their punch while quirkier campaigns have generated huge grassroots followings for their brands with laughably low marketing expenditures. Use what people naturally like to talk about by creating a messages that contain one or more of these 6 elements.

The taboo (sex, lies, bathroom humor, etc.)

The unusual

The outrageous

The hilarious

The remarkable

Secrets (both kept and revealed)

10. Be completely believable. When you have your consumer do marketing for you, it is credible, less expensive and enormously believable.

11. Make it personal. Using the viral strategy on a humdrum product category, will not yield your best results. Buzz marketing still seems to work best for the relatively narrow range of products and services that consumers care deeply about because of their physical intimacy, technical complexity or status-enhancing potential.

12. Create a sense of scarcity. Lure those key consumers with coveted items--whether hot news, loaner cars, or cool gadgets--that are in short supply, and let the buzz begin.

13. Be bold and extreme. Companies that play on the extremes of being either totally authentic or blatantly unoriginal are memorable and different. Although a buzz campaign may have fictional elements, the premise should be true to the brand. Make sure your buzz campaign fits with your overall ad strategy. Similarly, being totally irreverent can get people talking as well; just make sure consumers don't feel duped. Be sure to test your humor out on a sample of your target market first.

14. Leverage the internet and buzz with blogs. From large corporations such as GM and Microsoft to entrepreneurs, businesspeople of all kinds are using blogs as a tool to connect with customers and internal audiences in new ways. They're generating unprecedented buzz, and exponentially amplifying word of mouth marketing. A single successful blog can attract tens or even hundreds of thousands of visitors. Done right, they can give back loyalty, goodwill, and valuable feedback. The best part is they often spread that message to others within their sphere of influence through blogs, instant messenger or e-mail.

15. Don't overlook quality and customer service. Make sure that your product, service or brand is of a quality level that stands out next to competitors. The last thing you want is to have all this talk you generated turn into complaints. Customer service should be given extra attention while you are working a buzz campaign. Good service and superior quality are so unique they create an inherent buzz of self-propelling word of mouth and customer recommendations.

16. Do something innovative. Buzz is great for anything new and innovative, but if your product is not innovative in itself, then put extra creativity in the execution to generate that buzz.

17. Measure as much as you can. Connected marketing is not about control; it's about management. You cannot manage what you cannot measure. The initial contact may look spontaneous, but it's anything but, and the back end of your campaign should be meticulously planned and the results carefully measured. Marketers are even attempting to quantify how often their message will be passed along and how many downstream consumers they need to influence before a fad is born. Obviously, using online capabilities will make this kind of measurement more easily and precisely monitored. At the very least it will show you whether or not your efforts paid for themselves, best case scenario you can determine the exact ROI. Figure out what types of data do you want to collect, the measurement of recommendation rates, what specific actions should be taken post-measurement, and what influences the recommended rate and how marketers improve recommendation rates.

18. Integrate the campaign with the overall marketing strategy. It is time to develop internal and external connected marketing strategies that integrate product development and marketing activities in innovative ways, enabling consumers and businesses to connect and collaborate with each other as respected partners in order to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Don't fall into thinking that if you get buzz you don't need any marketing. Buzz marketing should be one part of an overall integrated marketing communications plan. Good buzz is the best thing you could wish for. But, in most cases, distribution, advertising, promotion and other traditional concepts are essential to translate the goodwill surrounding your product into sales. The focus should be not on whether something is classified as traditional or guerrilla, mainstream or viral--but on whether it works. Focus on results, and don't get caught up in any single marketing ideology. It is best to start little fires in lots of places and fan them afterwards.

Implement these techniques and watch the buzz get started. For more information about how you can create a marketing buzz, visit

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There Is No Unemployment in Nigeria

Nigeria, said to be giant of Africa and with a robust population of over 150 million, can boast of bountiful supply of human resources, both skilled and unskilled, made up of men and women, account for the capital base of the nation. However, it would be pertinent to note that the number of skilled but idle far outweighs the unskilled and working (Rotimi Ige, Tribune Newspaper; Tuesday 6th July, 2010. ). The above cited work represents the view of most Nigerian populace on Nigeria and the level of unemployment in its economy. Before we will divulge more into the discourse, let us know what the concept 'unemployment' connotes. Ewa Udu and Agu (2000) define unemployment as a situation in which persons capable and willing to work are unable to find suitable paid employment.

Unemployment could be seasonal, frictional, internationally transmitted or structural. Seasonal unemployment occurs in industries that are seasonal in nature. Such industries engage labour temporarily during the peak periods and lay them off in the off-peak seasons. Again frictional unemployment exists when particular occupation has surplus workers in one part of the country while spaces for similar jobs are very much available and are not filled in other geographical locations of the same country. Poor knowledge of the existence of job opportunity elsewhere and labour immobility are the major factor that give rise to this type of unemployment. Moreover, in export-oriented industries, if demand in the industries falls off due to deterioration of trade of the importing country, most workers in the industries will be laid off. Sometimes, there may be changes in the pattern of aggregate demand and in the techniques of in the industry. When this occurs in an adverse way, some workers may be affected and they will be retrenched. This is termed structural unemployment.

In 2006, the rate of unemployment was only 2. 9%. It rose to an outrageous rate of 5. 8% in 2007. Thereafter, it fell slightly to 4. 9% in 2008. Since then, it remained static at that level till the present 2010 (CIA World Factbook). These statistics do not portray Nigerian economy in the positive as regards employment of human resources because in a country like Britain, 2% rate of unemployment of the labour force is considered very high. Recent release by the National Bureau of Statistics reports that over 20 million graduates are unemployed in Nigeria. A casual visit to any center where employment aptitude test is being conducted will show one the exact level of unemployment in this country. The test conducted by WAMCO Consulting Firm on behalf of one Dutch company last year witnessed more than 30 thousand candidates. Another test conducted by the same firm on behalf of Honeywell recorded more number.

These candidates were only the ones that met the screening criteria (ie 2nd Class Upper), am not talking about those that applied but were rejected. When most banks conducted their own tests, security men (illiterates) were used to drive graduates up and down. Some were flogged, maltreated and humiliated; just because they needed some job. One hardly passes ten people on the road without coming across at least one unemployed graduate. Some of these graduates have migrated round all the cities of Nigeria in search of jobs; all to no avail. They have moved from Lagos to Port-Harcourt, to Kaduna, to Kano, to Onitsha and all other places not worthy of mentioning.

This socio-economic problem of unemployment can be attributed to many and varied causes. Some of the conspicuous roots of the problem include population, academic curriculum, choice of course of study, laziness, greed, government policies, employment discrimination and government poor implementation of its employment policies.

Nigeria is the most populated black nation of world. The last conducted census put the figure at over one hundred and fifty million. In this great number, more than 50% are in the labour force of the country. What this means is that there will be serious drag for the little available openings of job opportunities available. This offers the answer to the reason why more than thirty thousand Nigerian graduates turn out for a job aptitude test that will not take up to twenty candidates.

More so, another major cause of unemployment in this country is the education system and the type of curriculum they run. From primary school to the university, the curriculum is more of theory than practical. In the eighties, primary school pupils were asked to do crafts; molding objects, making baskets, carving works and other handiworks but today in public schools, they are asked to bring toilet tissues as craft while in private schools, they bring money in lieu of craft. So, after primary school, a holder of First School Leaving Certificate cannot do anything with his or her hand. That of post primary school is nothing to write home about. The students are taught only how to cram textbooks and nothing more. Once you are able to commit all the contents of Ababio, P. N.

Okeke and Modern Biology to memory, you are a bright and intelligent student. Nobody or no teacher cares whether you know their practical applications or not. Ours is Science without Technology; which is useless. All the old Commercial and Vocational Schools that offered vocational courses like catering, fashion and designing and culinary skills have all been turned into pure ordinary secondary schools in order to join the trend and not run the risk of being left behind.

All the graduates of these high schools have no place in economy because they don't have any skill to offer for exchange. This trend takes the students into the university. The university is the worst because not only that it is theory based system but most lecturers are not even willing to give that theory. Students are taught computer science in the classroom without a single computer system. Most roadside mechanics are more skilful than most graduates of mechanical engineering who parade themselves as engineers. A final year Accounting student has never seen a real cash book except the hypothetical ones he sees in the textbook. How can a product of this kind of system be employable?

Choice of course of study is another factor that contributes much in the employment problems in Nigeria. Many parents tend to choose careers for their offsprings because they in love with a particular profession without considering whether those their children have penchant for such profession. Some people may like to be musicians or comedians but their parents will kick against that and force them into a discipline they have aversion for. At the end, when they come out of school, they cannot practice and thus remain unemployed. Again, due to JAMB and its related admission problems, some students end up studying what they didn't intend studying initially. Many students started with Sciences but they ended up studying an Art course due to admission 'wahala'. Nigeria is a developing economy. For that, not all disciplines are fully functional here. If you read such courses, you remain unemployed unless you have a godfather somewhere. I can still remember when one former president of Nigeria was addressing some national issues on Radio Nigeria and people were calling him to ask some questions. One guy called and told him that he graduated from the university and for four years he had not gotten a job. The president asked him what he read and he replied 'Sociology'. The president gave a mirthless laugh and told him that all the money spent for training him was wasted. Although that professionalism is not so highly upheld in Nigeria, yet there are graduates of certain disciplines that cannot fit into Nigerian economy. The crude mentality of a greater percentage of Nigerians equally contributes to this. For instance, somebody who has some problems, obstacles or setbacks would rather go to a native doctor, pastor or prophet instead going to a psychologist.

More so, some graduates are lazy to work. They want easy life. They expect everything to come in a platter of gold. Most of them are looking for white collar jobs where they will just sit under an air conditioner, do little or nothing and get paid. They will keep looking for that type of job till eternity. A graduate was offered a job as a store keeper and he has the temerity to say that he won't touch or arrange cartons. This means he is lazy and not yet ready to work. Some female graduates concentrate on posting their pictures to all the social networks, dating and match making websites on the internet to cast their bait and know if they can catch a big fish. Nobody wants to bear the cross before wearing the crown any longer.

Furthermore, some graduates are too greedy. Many of them don't want to start from the scratch. They want to make it overnight. They thought that once one graduates from the university, he become super rich. Most of them only talk and discuss about the 'big shots' in the society without taking out time to read their biographies or at least go through their profiles. If they do that, they will find out that all those men and women have worked and served in various capacities; both low and high before arriving at their present positions. Immediately after graduation, the eyes of these graduates are set on Politics, Oil and Gas and Banking (when banking was doing well), ignoring other lesser sectors that are willing and ready to absorb them. They all want to ride fanciful latest cars after three months of their employment. This is utopia and mirage because such jobs are semi-nonexistent now. For that, most graduates will keep on waiting for them till kingdom come.

Again, there is a great discrimination and prejudice going on in the labour market now. Employers of labour are not helping matters at all. Some applicants are prejudiced against on the grounds of their sex, age, type of certificates and even tribe or ethnicity. Most office works can be done by both males and females alike; why the sex discrimination then? Why do we see an advert that goes like this "a young female accountant needed for immediate employment"? Does it mean that a male cannot do that job? Some job interviewers give jobs to ladies that are not qualified because they agreed to sleep or have slept with them; leaving behind the more qualified males. Females are equally being discriminated against but are mostly married women. Most engineering jobs that involves much field work and constant movement don't usually consider women. Most new generation banks don't consider married women. Some go the extent of getting the young ladies sign an undertaking that once they get married, their appointments are terminated. Age is another area for discrimination. Banks as well as other blue chip companies are mostly culprits of this offence. Most of them don't accept any applicant that is above twenty-four years old. They need very young, beautiful and attractive ladies that they will push into the market for 'corporate prostitution'. The young handsome guys are used to entice the sugar mummies to operate an account with them. . These young fellows are pushed back into labour market once they failed to meet up with the unrealistic targets given to them. The worst discrimination in the labour market is that of BSC/HND dichotomy. Many employers of labour discriminate against the HND holders in favour of their counterparts with BSC. Although that in the advert, they always write BSC or HND as the qualification needed but when it reaches to the actual job placement, the HND holders are jettisoned. Government equally has a hand in the creation of unemployment in the economy. Some government policies are highly detrimental to job creation in this country. Some graduates who couldn't find jobs pick up motorcycles and become 'okada' riders. But some State Governments thwarted their efforts by laying a ban on okada riding. Many graduates want to go into the production of local beverages, cosmetics and other little items with little fund they garnered after service but they don't have the money to register the products with appropriate government agencies like NAFDAC, SON etc. Some of them that succeeded in erecting a small scale manufacturing firms are being asphyxiated by huge and excess taxation. All these not withstanding, the government has initiated some policies and established some agencies that will help in addressing the issue of employment in Nigeria. Some government efforts towards achieving a high rate of employment in Nigeria include the establishment of Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, institution of the Nigerian Director of Employment, initiating of National Poverty Eradication Programme and National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy.

Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity has a network of thirty-one Employment Exchanges and seventeen Professional and Executive Registries. Nigeria Directorate Of Employment has four specific programmes which are Vocational Skills Development, Rural Employment Promotion, Small Scale Enterprises and Special Works. National Poverty Eradication Programme has five initiatives which are as follows: Village Economic Development Solutions, In Care of the People, Community Economic Sensitization Scheme, Multi Partner Matching Funds and Score on Poverty. National Economic Empowerment Strategy is a Nigeria's plan for prosperity. The government way of letting the people know how it plans to overcome the deep and pervasive obstacles to progress that the government and the people have identified. The greatest of the obstacles is unemployment.

In spite of all these institutions and programmes, the economy is yet to feel any appreciable impact on the area of employment. They all remain only fanciful drawings that are only achievable on the pages of the newspapers. NDE recently conducted a Graduate Attachment Programme Test in which more than a million graduates took part online. Finally, only 500 were accepted and trained. After the training, there were no openings where they could be fixed and the NDE Director, Mallam Abubakar Muhammed was begging the Nigeria Employers Consultative Association to help absorb the trainees as interns. Daily Sun of Wednesday, 21st July, 2010 reported thus "Minister of Finance, Mr. Olusegun Aganga has pledged the FG's resolve to tackle unemployment in the country as he decried the 49. 9 percent unemployment rate in the urban centres across the country. NAPEP also lays much emphasis on private sector initiative as a sustainable poverty eradication initiative. Everything now boils down to the private sector; the government is not ready to rise up to its responsibility of providing employment for its citizens. All those government policies lack substance hence they are poorly executed.

This social and economic canker called unemployment has many disastrous consequences on the entire nation. It gives rise to social vices, mass exodus of some Nigerians to other countries, continuous economic instability, stagnant or decreased Gross Domestic Product etc.

Many youths who have endured the scourge of unemployment for a long period of time have decided to challenge their fate by picking up arms and become armed robbers, political thugs and kidnappers. Kidnapping has become a common exercise in Nigeria because youths are idle and devil finds work finds work for idle hands. Daily Sun of Friday 6th August, 2010 reported that one Mr. Silas Ifeanyi, a House of Representative aspirant was abducted on his way back to Onisha from his home town Nsukka. Mr. Ifeanyi was very surprised to find out that all his kidnappers were all graduates. Youths of Niger Delta turned to militancy because they don't have reasonable and sustainable jobs. Even the post Amnesty policies that are meant to get them fixed into legitimate ventures in the economy are not being fully implemented as proposed. General election is fast approaching and so many unemployed graduates are ready to stake their lives just because they have no alternatives. Female unemployed graduates imbibe the spirit of the cliché "use what you have to get what you want". Most of them have turned into full time prostitutes. Every romantic magazine and all dating websites have their names and fabricated profiles looking for hook ups.

Some debased themselves to the level of renting rooms in brothels or hanging in clubs and hotel premises for any available standing.

Many graduates have been unemployed for so many years that they have lost their self esteem and developed an inferiority complex. They are withdrawn from social gatherings and disassociate themselves from their mates who seem to be doing well economically. Sometimes, they even suffer stigmatization from friends and relatives. The family members who entrusted hopes in them that after their graduation, they will start benefiting from them are all disappointed.

Their parents are tired of feeding them and giving them pocket money even still after graduation. They are seen as utter social misfit. All these constitute emotional and psychological trauma for the unemployed youth.

Most of the internet and ATM scam are perpetrated by the unemployed graduates. Internet fraud uses online services to present solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions or to others connected with the scheme (WIKIPEDIA).

ATM scams are on the rise and the use of online information has made it one of the easier inter-net scams to pull off for any moderately technically con artist ( Why is internet and ATM scam on the rise? The answer is not far fetched. It is because of the high rate of unemployment in the country. Man must survive by hook or by crook, they say. This does not end here. This unemployment has led many youths into different forms of forgery.

Due to the fact that every employer needs people with some years of working experience, many unemployed graduates have started forging appointment letters, so that they may be considered. Due to the fact that those that didn't take part in the NYSC programme are discriminated against in the labour market; those graduates that did part-time, sandwich or evening programmes go to the extent of forging NYSC discharge certificates or pay money to some illegal agents in order to be mobilized for the programme. Recently there was a report in the Punch Newspaper of Tuesday, August 3;2010 that 69 fake corps members were arrested in Nasarawa State. How much does a corps member earn that will entice somebody to involve himself in such a disgraceful act if not for hunger caused by unemployment? Some even fake recommendation letters from highly placed government officials in order to be considered for a job. The most annoying of all these frauds and scams are the ones pull by the so-called employment agents. These are cheer exploiters. These people knowing fully well that many people are desperate for jobs use it as an opportunity to cheat them. They go about the cities and towns of the country pasting posters advertising for non-existent jobs. Some even advertise on the pages of Newspapers. The unsuspecting and innocent job seekers always fall prey to these criminals. They extort money from applicants with the promise of linking them with mouth watering jobs. Eventually they will disappoint and aBSCond with their money.

Another major consequence of unemployment is the mass exodus of the youth out of the country. That people migrating out of the country is not the major problem but the issue is that most of them do it illegally. Everybody is looking for a greener pasture and Nigeria doesn't seem to be one because there is no job, therefore people must leave whether legitimately or otherwise! Many Nigerian youths die on their way to Europe; where they go through deserts, forests and other barricades. Most Nigerian youths are presently languishing in foreign prisons just because they are struggling for survival (although sometimes wrongly). Most people have been duped by some so-called travel agents. These agents collect money from people under the pretext that they will prepare traveling papers and help them to travel. Finally they will aBSCond with all those money without doing anything.

The economic effect of this unemployment on the nation is that there is a great loss in the potential output that would have been generated by those unemployed labour force. This decreases what should have been the actual Gross Domestic Product. This ultimately leads to economic instability. Nigeria was not invited to the G20 Summit on the grounds of political but mostly economic instability.

Despite all these causes and consequences of this economic problem of unemployment, something still has to be done to address if not redress the situation. We can't continue crying over the spilt milk rather we should rise to the challenges and take the bull by the horns. The government through its Ministries, Departments and Agencies should wake up to its responsibilities. The Federal and various State Ministries of Education should restructure the academic curriculum to suit the demands of the present day economy. The schemes of work should be more practical oriented than theory based. Vocational studies should be encouraged. There should be establishment of more technical schools and the existing ones should be adequately equipped. Government should provide practical materials to its various universities. These materials include computers, laboratory equipment, machinery etc.

Moreover, parents should stop interfering in their children's choice of career. These children should be allowed to choose what they have passion for so that they can practice after the training. Again the potential undergraduates who are finding it difficult to pass University Matriculation Examination should desist from accepting 'anyhow' course offered to them by the university because of their low grade rather they should work harder to achieve their goal no matter how long it might take. They are advised to go for courses that are presently relevant in the Nigerian economy. Nigeria presently needs more of people that studied business related or practical oriented courses.

Another area that deserves government attention as regards employment is the supply of electricity. Some graduates are ready to go into small scale production but due to the erratic nature of the power supply; they are incapacitated. The cost of production will be too high if they depend on generator set. Most of them cannot afford the cost.

Loans and credits should be made available and accessible to young graduates who want to go into entrepreneurship. There are four hundred and seven registered microfinance banks in Nigeria, yet young entrepreneurs don't have access to funds. Most of them give loans at an outrageous rate of 20% per annum with collateral security provided and they don't give more than fifty thousand naira. Yet they claim that microfinance banks help the youths mostly in achieving their goals in life (Scribd website). The government should mandate the financial institutions to provide loans for graduates who wish to go into business ventures at a very low interest rate and accept only their academic certificates as collateral.

Finally, young graduates who are yet get jobs should learn to take their fate in their hands. At the back cover page of Lucky Star exercise book is written "The only Nigerian who does not ask anybody to give him work is the uneducated". If this is true of uneducated, then the educated should be better off. They cant continue asking anybody to give them work. They should be job creators instead of job seekers. What I mean is that self employment and entrepreneurship should be at the back of mind of every young graduate. Nigerian economy still has a very wide market and opportunities yearning to be tapped. It only needs careful observations and thorough analysis. Opportunities abound in the areas like ICT, Sports, Entertainment, business and agriculture. With the little money saved during youth service, one can start up a small business which is bound to grow with time. With the knowledge of ICT techniques, one can do many things like designing of graphics, printing of labels, identity cards etc. An unemployed graduate can organize some entertainment shows or sit down and write books. He can equally write scripts for movie productions or write other entertaining books and sell them off to publishers. He can worse still attach himself to a private school as a tutor and at the same time be organizing private tutorial classes for students and adults.

Conclusively, some experts and authorities say that agriculture was the mainstay of the economy before the discovery of petroleum but I maintain that agriculture is still the mainstay of the economy. The release by National Bureau of Statistics shows that agriculture contributed the highest quota of 41. 84% to the Gross Domestic Product of 2009 while the 'almighty' petroleum contributed only 16. 05%. This implies that agriculture still dominates the economy. So, the young graduates who are yet to secure jobs should see agriculture as a good alternative. Areas like fish rearing, rabbit rearing, small scale poultry, vegetable plantation and numerous others should be explored. These do not take much resources. For instance, fish can be reared in a GP storage tank or even in a very small aquarium.

Therefore, the innumerable unemployed graduates should gird their loins and get ready for actions. They should stop waiting for government as government has nothing to offer in terms of employment. They should make use of the potentialities that nature endows them with to come up with ideas, innovations and solutions. Once you have solutions to people's problems, they must come looking for you and pay any price you require. The world needs a problem solver and once you become one, you will find out that THERE IS NO UNEMPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA.

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With only 10 days till release, Simon and Lewis look at a 9-month-old trailer that has finally been made available because there's nothing newer to use, they haven't been given any kind of advance previews or demos to play, and they are both really excited about this game :)

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Cebu City, Philippines - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

A tourist visiting Cebu City for the first time may well be turned off by some of the city sites. The city has several world class resorts, hotels, beaches and dive sites. It also has some areas of the world's most devastating poverty. Cebu City is the capital city of the Cebu Province and it is the second largest city in the Philippines following Manila. I always feel at home in the city and lived in the city before building my home in the rural Cebu Province of Camotes Islands. Cebu City is a mix of the old and new, rich and poor, good and bad and pretty and ugly. There is also the mix of clean and really dirty or filthy. The rule for anyone going to Cebu for the first time is to not make a snap judgment.

My first trip to Cebu City was in February 2004. I went to the Philippines to meet a girl (Judith) now my wife. I flew into the Cebu-Mactan Airport and was met by Judith and one of here sisters. My flight started in Florida and the last leg of the flight was from Hong Kong. The Cebu International airport is just a little outdated, but very functional. Once outside of the airport doors I saw waves of people waiting to meet people coming off of the flight from Hong Kong. The airport was not all that busy when I arrived and I think my plane was the only arriving flight at the time. As people from my flight walk outside of the airport door they were bombarded with shuttle, taxi and V-hire greeters, all trying to get a fare. I met Judith just outside the airport doors. She, her sister and I all jumped into an old Kia Taxi and we were off to my hotel.

The taxi was old and not very well maintained. The Air conditioner didn't work and the window wouldn't go down. Of course that didn't matter as I couldn't close the door because the door latch was broken. So, I got lots of air. The hotel was about a 30 minute drive from the airport. As we traveled the city streets I saw crowded sidewalks made even more crowded by the many sidewalk vendors and street vendors. Some of the roads we traveled were moderately maintained while others were in very poor condition. The roads were crowded with many types of cars, but mostly Kia's and Hyundais. There were also a lot of Jeepneys, a Philippine traditional method of travel. A jeepney looks like a stretched army jeep with a hardtop and a large cargo area used for two benches for passenger seating. Jeepneys are normally painted with several different colors and lots of chrome. Many of the jeepneys are poorly maintained and most have bald tires and the braking systems may be questionable. Also, there were lots of small motorcycles.

After traveling just a few minutes I decided that the most dangerous vehicle in Cebu was the Jeepney, the Taxi and finally the motorcycle. The jeepney drivers tend to rule the road and stop on either side of the road to pick up or drop off passengers. I saw many jeepneys cut both lanes of traffic off just to drop off people and then saw others swerve quickly to the side of the road cutting off traffic so the driver could jump out of the jeepney to urinate along the side of the road. Taxis are no better, but pose a slightly smaller threat because the vehicles are smaller than a jeepney Motorcycles seem to be a danger only to the motorcycle driver and passengers and anyone walking along side the road or on the sidewalk. Motorcycles make their own traffic lanes on whatever little shoulder the road may have to offer or sometimes drive on the painted divider line as a narrow roadway to make an extra traffic lane for themselves. At other times I saw motorcycles throttle down sidewalks weaving around pedestrians. Yet, the pedestrians seemed little concerned of the carelessness and just continued on their way.

As we continued on our way to the hotel we drove through many different areas of the city. Some areas were very old and the buildings looked as though they were ready for demolition years ago. Many buildings and store fronts are concrete with plywood or corrugated steel sheets added to broken windows and steel bars cover the window or plywood. I can't imagine what would be worth the cost of the steel bars as the buildings were so poor. I was sure the contents within were no better. I noticed several small store fronts with one big open widow covered with chicken wire. These little stores are about the size of a small closet and there are dozen of these little stores on every street. They are called sari-sari stores and sell just a very few items such as canned fish, rice, snacks, cigarettes and so on. Most of these little stores are attached to the front of private houses and are crudely constructed of unpainted plywood and tin roofs. Most of the Sari-sari stores block the sidewalk, forcing people to walk on the road to get around the protruding plywood box. Other Sari-sari stores have a small table or tables along the narrow sidewalks for their rum buying customers and a karaoke machine assist in blocking the sidewalks.

In many of the old areas the sidewalks are filled with vendor's shacks, tents or some other type of hurried shelter to sell goods. The sidewalks belong to the vendors and the pedestrian is left to find his own way around the ugly obstructions. These small vendor shacks on the sidewalks block the store buildings behind and I still wonder why the store owners allow the vendors to block their stores. The old neighborhood streets and sidewalks in most areas are filthy. Trash is all over the streets, chickens are tied to utility poles or street signs as well as dogs. Many of the old homes along the city's commercial streets may or may not have running water and a sewer system. Many people use the streets and sidewalks as their bathroom and even bath on the sidewalks. The infrastructure of the old neighborhoods is almost non-existent. There is poor drainage, poor sewer systems, and electric lines hang low to the ground with hundreds of wires attached carelessly to a single wimpy pole. I often wonder how trucks make it under these wires without hitting the wire. In many cases the bigger trucks do indeed hit the wires and knock out power to large section of the city.

The one thing that stood out for me as we past by all these areas in the taxi was the people all seemed happy. Despite, what I saw as great poverty and terrible living conditions, these people, or least many people were happy. Although, most of the people I saw were rushing down the sidewalks going about their daily routine. I thought these people are doing the same thing as other people do in any major city around the world. Yet, my first visit in Cebu City opened my eyes to the fact that at the very least, the city was poverty stricken or had a large population that lived in poverty.

After about 30 minutes riding in the taxi we came into a much nicer area of the city and there like an oasis in the middle of all the poverty was this beautiful Hotel and a large modern shopping mall next to it, as well as several large modern well maintain high rise buildings. The scene was a stark difference to the old areas of the city. This area could be found in any modern US city and looked very much like a commercial area of a US city. The area is called the Ayala Business Park and the Ayala Mall. This is modern Cebu City and it is everything you would find in any modern city.

Once at the Hotel, the Marriott, I checked into a very nice room and we all went to the dinning room for a pleasant lunch. Soon after that it was just Judith and I as her sister went home. Judith then took me across the park to the Ayala Mall, just a five minute walk and once inside the mall I was amazed. The stores were the same as in the US, Ace Hardware, Levi, MacDonald's and so on. Plus, several Philippine Department stores and many different types of restaurants and coffee shops. All the store clerks and sale people spoke English and most all the Filipinos walking through the stores were speaking English. Others used a mix of English and their native Cebuano. All the store signs are written in English and the restaurant menus are written in English. In many ways I felt as if I just traveled 20 plus hours from Florida to be in a US city.

Although there were many other foreigners in the mall many Filipinos walking by asked where I was from and in general everyone was very friendly to me. While at the mall I bought a few souvenir type things to take home and Judith and I just did a lot of window shopping. I was happy to see the prices of most things in the stores were very cheap compared to the US. At that time one US dollar bought 56.00 pesos. Today it's one dollar to about 44.00 Pesos. Still a good deal, but today I'm careful in my spending. By the middle of the afternoon I was ready for some sleep after my long flight to Cebu. Judith went home and I retired to my hotel room.

The next morning Judith was at the hotel bright and early and we had breakfast at the hotel and then off to see the city and some of the beach resorts. Cebu has wonderful and beautiful resorts and all very affordable. The resorts are all well maintained and modern. The biggest population of customers at the resorts are foreigners and the staff Filipino. I quickly change my opinion of the city from a poverty stricken third world to a modern commercial and tourist city with a few old areas that needed a lot of help.

During my trip to Cebu we went into the old area of Colon. Colon is the oldest street in the country and has several landmarks. However, Colon is a dirty area of very old and poorly maintained buildings. Prostitution is a major problem in the Colon area as is street crime. There are some wonderful markets and great bargains to be found in Colon, but not an area for the new tourist to wander alone. Hotels can be had for a really cheap price in Colon. Some just $20.00 a night, but these hotels cater to those picking up street girls and both the girls and the rooms are really dirty. Last year Judith and I stayed at two different Colon Hotels. We went into the city for our monthly shopping trip from Camotes Islands. We decided to try the hotels as they are cheap and close to many of the outside markets. I would never stay at either of these hotels again. The best words to describe them is old, filthy, rat infested and full of prostitutes. Both of these hotels seem to cater to single foreign men and any girls the men may find at the Colon bars or on the streets. The area has several little Bikini type bars with Bar Girls (Prostitutes) also called GRO's. Unless you are looking for a prostitute there is little reason to go to Colon after dark and even then one needs to be very careful. This is not intended to say that all of Colon is bad. There are some nice stores and restaurants in Colon. I enjoy shopping in the Colon area, but one needs to use caution in Colon.

During my first visit I saw most all the areas of Cebu City and felt safe at all times. Of course we didn't go into the old parts of the city after dark. Rather we were at the resorts or around Ayala Park and these are all very safe and enjoyable areas.I would recommend Cebu City to anyone that wants to go to a great resort and spend time on a beautiful beach, go diving, take a boat tour of the outer islands and not spend a lot of money. There is just so much to do in Cebu City and so many great things to see. Staying at any of the resorts is very affordable just about $60.00 per night and some as high as $250.00. Dinner at restaurants is also very cheap. Meals at nice restaurants can cost just $10.00 to $20.00 for two people, I had a wonderful time during my first visit. However, I had Judith as my tour guide and as my girlfriend. I'm not sure I would have liked Cebu City as much as I did if Judith wasn't with me during the first trip.

Soon after my first visit to Cebu City I moved from Florida to Cebu City in 2004. By this time Judith and I were engaged to marry and I wanted to live in Camotes Islands. However, we decided to live in the city while looking for land to build a house in Camotes. Camotes Islands are a rural province of Cebu and just two hours from the city by boat. We rented a brand new two bedroom house in the Lahug area of Cebu City. The monthly rent was just $125.00 plus our TV cable for about $15.00 a month. The house was located on a hillside overlooking the city and close to everything we needed. Lahug is a very nice area and now there are many new housing sub-divisions built in the area. Our monthly budget while living in Lahug was approximately $700.00 and that included the rent, utilities, food, taxi cabs and even lots of dinners at restaurants and entertainment. I assume if we still lived in Lahug the budget would be just a few more dollars a month.

Within just a couple of weeks after moving into the Lahug house I felt as if Cebu was my city and I really enjoyed the city life. The city has many things to offer the foreigner and the city is always trying to attract more foreign retirees. It truly is a foreign (expat) friendly city. The largest group of foreigners in Cebu is Korean then Americans, Australians, British and Japanese. There are no racial tensions or problems in the city that I am aware of and the city is very safe. However, like any major world city there is crime, but using common safeguards and precautions one can have a happy life in Cebu City. Driving in the city is something I have never attempted and I don't think I ever will drive in the city. The taxi cabs can get you almost anywhere in the city for $1.00 to $2.00 and that's fine for me.

Shopping in the city is great and there are products from all over the world in Filipino stores. Many food stores stock western brands so you will never get homesick for your favorite foods from home. The outside markets, located all over the city offer great bargains and it's always fun to negotiate prices with the vendors. Cable TV is available in the city and it offers many American shows and news programs. You can go to the movie cinemas and see a new release movie for about $1.00 and the popcorn is just a few pennies. The city has grown since I moved to the Philippines. There are many new gated housing Sub-Divisions that cater to foreign buyers, new high rise condo buildings and the resorts all continue to attract foreigners. The two major malls in the city, Ayala and SM are both expanding. Many of the roads have been upgraded as well as the infrastructure in many areas. The city is a major draw for tourism and is always attempting to bring in more tourist and more foreign retirees.

Any expat on a monthly pension of about $1,000.00 can live like a king in Cebu City. You can live on less than $1,000.00 but I think $1,000.00 is the right figure if you include saving a little each month for emergencies, trips back home and medical needs. The city has very good hospitals and medical cost are much less in the Philippines. Good dental care at very reasonable rates is also available in the Philippines. Many people go to Cebu for medical or dental vacations. Just remember, if you think you want to move to Cebu City do your homework. Do you want to live in a new country? do you want to be separated from your family and grandchildren?, if you are married how does your wife feel about living in Cebu? If you have young children do you want them to live in a new country and what about their education? Do you have the patience and understanding to learn and live in a new culture? Do you have the money to live a good life in Cebu without the need to find work? Do you have enough money to cover any type of emergency that may require five to ten thousand dollars? Finally, what is your reason for wanting to live in a new country? If you can be honest with yourself and have a positive answer for the above questions, then maybe Cebu City is for you?

Remember too, The Philippine economy is struggling. Filipinos with four and six year college degrees are driving taxi cabs or working as store clerks. Unemployment in the country is through the roof. Poverty is a major issue in the country. For all the beauty of the Philippines Poverty continues to destroy many Filipinos and their futures and creates an ugly face to an otherwise beautiful country. Just this week on November 8, 2007 an 11 year old girl in Manila living with her mother, father and little brother in a shanty town hung herself. The reason left in a note from the little girl was because of the poverty she and her family lived. The father not able to find work for months and the mother working for just $1.00 a day. The little girl had just the night before asked her father for P200.00 for a school project. The father did not have the money, just under $4.00. All the girl wanted was to finish school and buy a new bike. A simple dream complicated by severe poverty in a country struggling to overcome political corruption and theft. Please remember, what you may spend in just one day in the Philippines is what a Filipino may have to live on for a month. Poverty does indeed take lives.

I truly love my lifestyle in the Philippines, but it took some time, patience, understanding and a few sacrifices to live in the Philippines. I made several mistakes before coming here and a few since living here. I didn't have enough money when I came here in 2004. I've made a few trips back to Florida to do some contract work and then returned to my beloved Camotes Islands. I'm currently away from home on a teaching contract. However, for me, it's worth the price to have just a few months a year in my paradise called Camotes Islands, Cebu, Philippines. I think anyone looking for a great vacation will enjoy Cebu City. Those looking to retire on a modest pension can live well here, but just be sure living in a new country is right for you. Before making a decision to move here it's wise to come on a vacation first and see the city for yourself. Then you can decide if this is the life you want. Once again, for me this is paradise.

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Un altro video di Hannah Montana in una delle canzoni più belle della colonna sonora del film. "Hannah Montana - The Movie", al cinema.

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War Horse Movie Official Teaser Trailer - Directed by Steven Spielberg - HD

Watch the New Extended Trailer: War Horse is director Steven Spielberg's epic adventure, a tale of loyalty, hope and tenacity set against a sweeping canvas of rural England and Europe during the First World War. From director Steven Spielberg comes War Horse, an epic adventure for audiences of all ages. Set against a sweeping canvas of rural England and Europe during the First World War, War Horse begins with the remarkable friendship between a horse named Joey and a young man called Albert, who tames and trains him. When they are forcefully parted, the film follows the extraordinary journey of the horse as he moves through the war, changing and inspiring the lives of all those he meets—British cavalry, German soldiers, and a French farmer and his granddaughter—before the story reaches its emotional climax in the heart of No Man's Land. The First World War is experienced through the journey of this horse—an odyssey of joy and sorrow, passionate friendship and high adventure. War Horse is one of the great stories of friendship and war— a successful book, it was turned into a hugely successful international theatrical hit that is arriving on Broadway next year. It now comes to screen in an epic adaptation by one of the great directors in film history. Directed by Steven Spielberg. Stars Emily Watson, David Thewlis, Peter Mullan, Niels Arestrup, Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irvine, Benedict Cumberbatch, Toby Kebbell. Based on the book by Michael Morpurgo and the ...

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Emotion in Poetry: Using Metaphor and Simile

Poetry needs emotion, but we need to create emotion with words, the creation which is called imagery. To enhance the emotion of any writing, we can use poetic devices. Using metaphors or similies is one way to strengthen (intensify, vigorize expression, support, vitalize, justify, stimulate, enhance)emotion.

A metaphor is the comparison of two unlike things by saying one is the other. An eample would be "love is honey poured over life." Love is not honey, but the comparison creates a mental image of sweetness added to life.

A simile is the comparison of two unlike things by saying one is like or as the other: "Love is like honey poured over life."

Metaphors and similes are very like in what they do in writing. Both compare unlike things.

Remember the nursery rhyme, author unknown:

Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

Comparing the star to a diamond is a simile. But that comparison doesn't show about emotion, right?

So, let's think of an emotion. Shame is an emotion that most people have felt one time or another. Now, to what can we compare shame?

Shame is like a dirty, smoothering blanket that clouds our sight. Shame is a monster that steals our self-worth. Shame makes us feel tarnished, unworthy, like a statue that has sat in the rain until worn and dull. Shame wraps us in gray, obscuring us from others' love. That gives us a start for a poem that includes the emotion shame and some ideas for metaphors or similes.

by Vivian Gilbert Zabel

I stand nude before the world,
My faults and shortcomings
Exposed for all to see.
Like a tacky, tattered blanket,
A cloud of despair smothers me.
Layers of gray with streaks
Of blinding black press me
To the ground, a broken statue,
Tarnished by relentless rain
And worn by whimpering wind.

I cannot lift my head to watch
In case others turn from me,
Disdain displayed in their eyes.
Shame turns confidence into
Disgust for myself, burning
Like a fire without warmth,
Only a chill leaving no comfort.
How can anyone love me
When I remain disgraced in life
By being who and what I am?

The preceding poem has two similes and one metaphor. The one simile states that a cloud of despair, like a tacky, tattered blanket, smothers the narrator. The other says that disgust burns like a fire without warmth. The metaphor compares the narrator to a broken statue. All help strengthen the emotion in the poem, enhancing the feeling of shame. Alliteration is also used: tacky, tattered; blinding black; relentless rain; worn, whimpering, wind; disdain displayed.

Hopefully we can improve our poetry and add to the emotion and imagery by using metaphor or simile or both. Let's try practicing the use of these in our writing to see how we can create more power in our poems.

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Beauty & The Beast Due to an ugly experience he had before, charming prince Maurice (Olu Jacob) decides to hate humans and starts maltreating his subjects, till he met a begger on his way who casts spell on him, turning him to a monster and making him undesirable for everybody.

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the new battleship movie trailer was taken from subscribe for more videos for more trailers visit this channel Battleship hits theaters on May 18th, 2012. Cast: Liam Neeson, Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Hamish Linklater, Tadanobu Asano, Josh Pence, Peter MacNicol Peter Berg ("Hancock") produces and directs "Battleship", an epic action-adventure that unfolds across the seas, in the skies and over land as our planet fights for survival against a superior force. Based on Hasbro's classic naval combat game, "Battleship" stars Taylor Kitsch as Lt. Alex Hopper, a Naval officer assigned to the USS John Paul Jones; Brooklyn Decker as Sam Shane, a physical therapist and Hopper's fiancee; Alexander Skarsgard as Hopper's older brother, Stone, Commanding Officer of the USS Sampson; Rihanna as Petty Officer Raikes, Hopper's crewmate and a weapons specialist on the USS John Paul Jones; and international superstar Liam Neeson as Hopper and Stone's superior (and Sam's father), Admiral Shane

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Famous Supernatural Events in 19th Century America

Supernatural or paranormal events have long been a newsworthy topic, attracting the attention of believers and skeptics alike. It seems that when anything seemingly unexplainable happens, especially when mysterious circumstances like ghosts are involved, it isn't long before neighbors start talking, newspaper articles begin popping up, and soon enough the story has become something of a legend. Over the years, these stories become more and more embellished, and they are soon part of a community's lore. There are numerous fantastic examples of these supernatural tales, and following is an overview of three of the most well-known.

The Bell Witch - One of the most famous hauntings in America occurred in what is now Adams, Tennessee, on the land that was owned by John Bell in the early 1800s. The tale begins in 1817 when John, a farmer, was working in one of his cornfields and spotted a bizarre looking animal. The creature appeared to have a dog's body with a rabbit's head, and John wasted no time in trying to shoot the thing. After several shots, the animal simply vanished, and John returned to his home. That evening, a series of loud banging sounds began, as if something were beating on the outside of the home. John and his sons went to inspect the noises and found nothing amiss, but this was only the beginning of the bizarre and terrifying events that the family would suffer. Before long, the Bell children began experiencing strange sounds in their bedrooms, covers being yanked off them at night, and even painful pinching and slapping. Betsy Bell was the main recipient of these unwelcome events, but the whole family was being traumatized as well. Faint whispers, laughing, and crying sounds were also occurring, and soon John Bell was forced to tell his close friend and neighbor about the strange happenings. News of the haunting began to spread, and people as far away as Nashville began to take interest in what had begun to be called The Bell Witch. As the years passed, the entity's antics did not cease; rather, they became more frequent and severe. Betsy continued to endure the physical abuse of the Witch, and it wasn't until John Bell's death in December 1820 that the events apparently began to die down. Bell family descendants have reported the return of the spirit on a few occasions, and to this day, people in the area claim mysterious things still go on around the old Bell place.

The Lemp Mansion - One of St. Louis's finest homes from the 19th century is the Lemp Mansion, located right in the heart of the city. The home was built in the 1860s by brewing tycoon Johann "Adam" Lemp, who became world-famous for his lagers. Lemp and his sons amassed a fortune operating their brewery that covered five city-blocks, and were well-known in St. Louis for their wealth and power. With so much success in the brewery, William Lemp, Sr., son of Adam, built the 33-room mansion that became the family home for all the Lemps. Problems began for the family in 1901 when William's favorite son died quite suddenly from health issues, and only continued for the Lemps with scandalous divorces, dwindling success in the brewery, Prohibition beginning in 1920, and finally, multiple suicides. By 1922, three of Adam Lemp's children had committed suicide, with another son doing the same in 1949. With the brewery permanently closed and eventually sold, and the family name so tarnished, the remaining Lemp descendants lived rather quiet lives. But the mansion, it seems, was anything but quiet. Paranormal events first began to be reported in the 1950s following the fourth suicide. At that time, the home had been purchased and transformed into a boarding house. But with the strange sounds and eerie footsteps echoing through the house, tenants didn't stay long. In 1975, the Lemp mansion was sold to Dick Pointer and turned into a restaurant and inn. Patrons of the place have reported mysterious sounds, the feeling of being watched, and objects moving of their own accord. Though the Lemps have long been gone from the mansion, it seems that their absence is only in the physical sense, and that their spirits linger, unable to leave the family home.

The Fox Sisters - Sisters Leah, Kate, and Margaret became undoubtedly three of the most famous mediums in America when they began receiving messages from the dead in 1848. Living in a house with a reputation for being haunted, it wasn't too far of a stretch for people to believe that the young girls had been selected by a spirit to serve as links between the living and the dead. Through a series of knocks, a code was developed where the girls asked yes-no questions and the spirit answered with a certain number of knocks. These communications led to the discovery that the ghost was that of a murdered man who had been buried in their cellar. Word quickly spread, and soon the girls were famous, traveling and giving public séances. As interest in Spiritualism escalated, so too did the skepticism surrounding the Fox sisters, with critics loudly proclaiming that they were frauds. It wasn't until many years later that Kate and Margaret confessed that they were responsible for the knocking sounds, producing them through the cracking of the joints of their toes. Though they admitted to duping the public about their spiritual communication, their story furthered a growing interest in the supernatural and remains one of the most well-known examples of paranormal activity today.

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ARCH ENEMY - Bloodstained Cross (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

ARCH ENEMY - Bloodstained Cross (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Be sure to catch ARCH ENEMY on tour this fall with DEVILDRIVER, SKELETONWITCH and CTHONIC! Check out the tour dates below to find a city near you! 9/8/2011 - Ram's Head Live - Baltimore - MD - US 9/9/2011 - Best Buy Theater - New York - NY - US 9/10/2011 - The Palladium (MA) - Worchester - MA - US 9/12/2011 - Imperial Theater - Quebec City - QC - CA 9/13/2011 - Metropolis - Montreal - QC - CA 9/14/2011 - Phoenix Concert Theatre - Toronto - ONT - CA 9/17/2011 - The Garrick Centre - Winnipeg - MB - CA 9/19/2011 - Macewan Hall - Calgary - AB - CA 9/20/2011 - Edmonton Event Center - Edmonton - AB - CA 9/22/2011 - Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver - BC - CA 9/23/2011 - Showbox SoDo - Seattle - WA - US 9/24/2011 - Knitting Factory Concert House - Spokane - WA - US 9/26/2011 - Regency Center - San Francisco - CA - US 9/27/2011 - Club Nokia - Los Angeles - CA - US 9/29/2011 - Marquee Theater - Phoenix - AZ - US 9/30/2011 - Sunshine Theater - Albuquerque - NM - US 10/1/2011 - Gothic Theater - Englewood - CO - US 10/3/2011 - First Avenue - Minneapolis - MN - US 10/4/2011 - House Of Blues - Chicago - IL - US

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BUMP! - BUMP! - New York - Part 1

Often called The Capital of the World, New York City has been the Emerald City for gays &lesbians from all around the world for years... In fact, there is so much to see and do for the LGBT traveler that it took us two episodes to barely scratch the surface. In Part One of our trip to The Big Apple, performer Seth Rudetsky has Shannon jazz stepping through the theater district in search of cheap tickets for the hottest shows on and off Broadway. Next, humorist Kate Clinton treks us around the Upper West Side -- a popular "guppie" neighbourhood. In recent years, Chelsea has evolved into a major gay district. Long-time resident Richard Winger gives us his take on this trendy area and how the iconic "Chelsea Muscle Boy" is now getting on in age! For jocks (and their supporters), the Chelsea Piers complex on the west side of Manhattan is home to many gay sports teams. Shannon tries playing with balls for a change -- basketball, soccer, golf and baseball, that is! From there we head south and traipse through fabled Greenwich Village with native New Yorker Arthur Strickler, including visits to the legendary Stonewall Inn, where the fight for LGBT civil rights was born, and other popular watering holes in this historic gay quarter. And finally, we join Clare Cavanah of Toys In Babeland, who reveals what a lesbian playground the Lower East Side has become, complete with shops, sex clubs, bars and other attractions for the grrrls!

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Autograph Values - Identifying the Value of an Autograph - So, What's It Worth?

Perhaps the most commonly asked question I hear is; "So, what's it worth?" The question may pertain to a four language ship's paper signed by James Madison and James Monroe, a signed photograph of movie star and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, or a hand-written letter by Union General (posthumously promoted) Samuel K. Zook. Frequently it is an innocent request for a "ball park figure" on a specific item. As a professional appraiser it is difficult to formulate a simple one-word answer.

Each item has many different values. The Madison / Monroe document, for example, will be shown to have at least four different values -- and each one will be correct. How can that be? It depends upon the market.

You are probably familiar with the term "market." A market is any place or system for exchanging property between buyers and sellers. A market can be a retail gallery or a flea market. It can be a bankruptcy liquidation sale or a mail order catalog. The internet and other on-line services are markets for the buying and selling merchandise. The "value" at which the item is sold may be different in each market. The term "Fair Market Value" is a legal definition used in a variety of instances. Charitable contribution, dissolution of marriage, or estate tax liability, may be circumstances when fair market value is required. "Fair Market" does not mean "reasonable." The term "fair" comes from old English law, meaning open and free market, as in a "market" or "fair" where goods are bought and sold.

This value may be very different than retail value. In situations when someone is interested in insuring an item, a retail replacement cost may be most appropriate. It all seems quite confusing, but once you identify the reason you want to know "what its worth" then a value can be provided. The "reason one needs to know" is referred to in appraising as the "function" of the appraisal. It is also called the "intended use" or the "assigned use." With a known "use," the appropriate market can be researched.

Markets range from high-end, high-quality, retail autograph galleries to flea markets and garage sales. Various quality and all types of material can be found within any market. An example is the multi-million dollar Dunlap copy of the declaration of independence reported to have been found behind and old picture at a garage sale.

Here are some examples of situations where the value is dependent upon "use" or "need." The market researched is based on the use and value required.

If the report's function is to obtain insurance coverage, the appraisal will identify the estimated replacement cost. The market to research is the gallery where the item was purchased.

If the report's function is to liquidate a bankrupt business, the appraisal will identify the liquidation value. The market is the courthouse steps.

If the report's function is to establish a potential tax deduction for a charitable contribution, the appraisal will identify the Fair Market Value. The market is most likely a well advertised auction.

As an example, we'll use Madison/Monroe four language ship's paper. If an owner and the insurance company need to know what it will cost to replace the item with a similar piece, an appraiser might research its original source, the gallery where it was purchased. The Estimated replacement cost in a mid-to-high-end market is $7,500.00. This may be the valid value for this need.

If that same owner filed for bankruptcy and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge ordered the sale of the item, it may bring $1,200.00. This may be a valid value for this situation.

If the owner decided to donate it to the National Archives, it might have a value of $3,350.00. This may be a valid value for that appraisal "use."

Finally, if the gallery owner was robbed his insurance company would compensate him at his or her cost. This value could be $1,750.00. Perhaps an accurate value for this

As you can see, the same item has four different values. Each may be accurate and appropriate for the "intended use" and "purpose" of the valuation. There is more to determining value than picking a price. Anyone providing values must understand the autograph, manuscript, and historical document market as well as the reason for asking the question; "So, what's it worth?"

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