Jonas Brothers in Syracuse- Joe's Birthday

OK Story time: This was August 15th, 2007 at Syracuse, NY's Palace Theater. It was also Joe's 18th Birthday and so this shows his parents bringing out his cake. Turns out it was Mr & Mrs Jonas' 22nd Anniversairy and another cake was brought out and handed to Kevin to present to them. So in handing over the cake and reaching for their anniversairy card, Kevin dropped the cake on the stage. The crowd laughed... and so did Nick, who is not seen in the video because he was too far from his brothers and parents to fit in the shot. And he was cracking up on the other side of the stage. THE END. Thanks for all the comments. Keep 'em coming. In response to some of them: -I don't have anymore videos from this show other than a 15 sec one of Goodnight and Goodbye that was taken b/c I thought I was taking a couple of pictures. -There was no prank on Joe that night... this was as good as it got, but personally I thought a cake fight would have been quite amusing, lol. -If you think the Jonas Brothers are lame... you shouldn't have watched it in the first place so why comment? -If you liked it I'm glad that you did and I appreciate the comments. - I have seen the Jonas Brothers 3 times before this and twice after. Shoppingtown Mall in Dewitt... Clifton Park Center in Clifton, NY... Gramercy at Blender Theater in NYC... this vid... and then On the Burning Up Tour in Buffalo and Syracuse again. I was going to see them in Columbus, OH this summer, but due to lack of money and the 7-8 ...

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