Goats Driving Cars! - "The Fast And The Furious" Film Review

For the second Wednesday in a row, YouTube is again having issues with annotations... oh well! Welcome to Movie Night with Jonny Paula! YouTube's only weekly interactive movie-review show! Tonight's Movies: - The Men Who Stare At Goats - The Fast And The Furious Next Week's Films: - Rocky - Twilight Voice your ratings by voting in either of the polls below! Please only vote if you've actually seen the movie! micropoll.com micropoll.com Seen a movie in theaters recently? Tweet about it with the #JPMN hashtag, and have it featured on the show! +++++++++++++++++++++++ Helpful Links! Facebook: bit.ly Twitter: bit.ly DVD Releases: bit.ly Donate $$: bit.ly ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Created by: Jonathan Paula An ideo Production - © 2010. ~

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