American Idol Judges

Season nine of American Idol has been going strong since the first weeks of production. The judges have narrowed down the thousands of contestants who auditioned for a spot in Hollywood. The show is now getting to the top twenty five performers. The judges have narrowed down and deliberated about the best of the best to present to the audience these top singers. The audience votes on their favorite singer to try to get them passed to the next round of competition. The judges are harsher in their evaluation and give critique and praise to contestant's performance of the night. The judges can sway or influence how the audience will vote. Here is a look at who the American Idol judges are this season.
Simon Cowell has been with American Idol since day one. He is one of the most well known judges yet he is liked the least because of his brutal honesty and temperament. However, the man knows what he is doing and is a leader in the entertainment industry. He produces music competition shows in both the U.S. and the U.K. Simon has been in the industry for more than twenty years and has worked as an executive at Sony Records. His ear for talent has made him a pioneer in the pop industry as he has shaped and molded some of the top pop artists of our time.
Kara DioGuardi is highly qualified to a judge on the show. She is a seasoned veteran in the music industry and has her own personal success. She is a songwriter that has produced hits for top recording artists all over the world. She is part owner of Arthouse Entertainment, and it is a very successful lucrative business. She is one of the highest demanded songwriters in the industry. She has written songs that have made an artist's career skyrocket to stardom, and her songs also appear in movies, television shows, commercials, and all over the world. She has even written award winning songs for Idol winner Kelly Clarkson. You have probably heard Kara's songs on the Internet radio, a movie, or a traditional radio station being sung by famous singers.
A judge that everyone loves and who has also been there since day one is Randy Jackson. He is also a powerhouse in the music industry. Like Simon, he has also been in the industry for twenty years. He not only produces music, but he plays music as well. He toured with the band Journey and played bass guitar. He has been a vice president and major recording labels and has toured, produced, and worked with some of the best in the industry including Madonna. He helps the contestants of American Idol become stars and his critiques are invaluable. He not only performs in the industry, but he has shaped and produced some of the best performers and has contributed to albums that have sold millions worldwide.
The newest judge who replaced Paula Abdul is Ellen DeGeneres. Unlike the other judges, Ellen isn't a veteran in the music industry. However, she does know a thing or two about stage presence and performance because she is an actress, comedian, and the host of an award winning talk show. Her critiques and perspective on the show offer some new light and a different perspective to the contestants and audience. She is a star in her own right as she has been a leader in the entertainment industry for acting.
*Full length bios can be found at

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