Features of the 3D LED TV-sets

With the star power of hip-hop group The Black Eyed Peas and Avatar director James Cameron turned the South Korean giant Samsung Electronics, the world's first technology of 3D TV viewing experience by revolutionizing the home.
A 3D TV is a TV, 3D rendering techniques such as stereoscopic capture, recording, or multi-view 2D-3D displays more depth and uses a special device with a television program in a realistic three-dimensional field project. 3DEpisodes was moderately popular in the late 1990's, when several shows in the U.S. used the technique to attract viewers and increase ratings.
3DTV sets are those that can be used in 3D mode, in collaboration with LCD shutter glasses, where the TV tells the glasses, the eyes of the image that should be seen on display at the moment, creating a stereoscopic image. These TVs generally support HDMI 1.4 and a minimum (input and output) refresh rate of 120Hz, the lenses can be purchased separately.
The Chinese manufacturer TCL has developed a 42-inch 3D LCD as the TD-42F, which is currently in China. This model uses a lens and requires noSpecial glasses. It 'is currently on sale for about $ 20,000.
LG, Samsung plan, Sony and Philips for its TV service with plans for 3D TV, 3D-sales account for about 50% of TV distribution to bid to increase until 2012. It is expected that the screens are a mix of technologies that will be used to standardization in the field.
3D imaging at the beginning of photography. In 1844, David Brewster led the stereoscope, a device that couldphotographic images in 3D. It 'was then improved by Louis Jules Duboscq and a famous picture of Queen Victoria was on display at the 1851 World's Fair. With World War II, stereoscopic (3D) cameras were spread far enough for personal use.
The development of the film was parallel to the 3D images and 3D images. Already in 1855 the kinematoscope was invented, or the stereo-camera animation. The film first anaglyph was produced in 1915 and in 1922 the first 3D film was publicdisplay - The Power of Love. In 1935 the first 3D film in color was produced.
Popular in the fifties, when TV was in the United States, many 3D movies have been produced. The first film was like Bwana Devil by United Artists, which could be seen in the U.S. in 1952. A year later, in 1953, came the 3-D film House of Wax in 2D and sound. Alfred Hitchcock originally his film Dial M for Murder in 3D, but for the purpose of maximizing profits, the film was released in2D, because not all the film could show films in 3D. The Soviet Union has also developed 3-D movie.
There are various techniques for producing and displaying 3D images in motion.
Common 3D display technology for projection of pairs of stereoscopic images for the viewer are:
• 3D anaglyph (red-cyan glasses passive)
• polarized 3D (with passive polarized glasses)
• Alternate-frame sequencing (with active glasses / hats)
• Auto-stereoscopic display (withoutSunglasses / hats)
Single project view shows only a stereo pair at a time. Multi-view displays or head-tracking to change the display depending on the viewing angle, or the same project more independent views of a scene to multiple audiences (automultiscopic), an instrument on the fly with the 2D views can be created depth format.
Several other visualization techniques have been described, such as holography, volumetric displays and the Pulfrich effect, which was used byDoctor Who Dimensions in time for the year 1993 by 3 Rock from the Sun in 1997 and the Discovery Channel's Shark Week in 2000, among others. Real-time 3D television is essentially a form of auto-stereoscopic display.
Stereoscopy is the most widely used method for the collection and distribution of 3D video. It comes to capturing stereo pairs in two views of the setting, with cameras mounted side by side, separated from the same distance between an individual student. If we imagine a projection object in a scenealong the line of sight (for each eye in turn) for flat bottom, we can mathematically describe the location of this point with simple algebra. Are Cartesian coordinates with the screen in the YZ plane (z-axis upwards and the y-axis on the right side) and the public focused on the X axis, we find that the screen coordinates are simply the sum of two terms, a point In accounting terms, the other to turn to the binoculars.

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