The Herbalife Extravaganza Events 2010

The Good News About The Extravaganza Events, 2010-2011

2010 saw Herbalife celebrating their 30th anniversary, and to mark the occasion the world famous Herbalife Extravaganza events got bigger, better and louder! If you went to one of the Herbalife Extravaganza events, or you are planning on attending one of the upcoming events in 2011, then this article is the perfect companion!

The Extravaganzas are intended to unite Herbalife Distributors all over the world, and motivate them to push themselves further, and achieve their potential. Influential figures from the company will address the conference, and individual Distributors will get the chance to meet with others and tell of their success stories.

The events are also used to remember founder and former CEO Mark Hughes, ten years on from his tragic death. The tone at the events was one of celebrating his life and achievements, and remembering him as an influential and inspiring figure. These moments tended to be very poignant and evoked strong emotions on the stage and in the audience.

The main aim of the Extravaganzas is always to focus on the future, however, and the path that Herbalife hopes to take in the next decade. Speeches from people like Geri Cvitanovich took place at the Los Angeles Extravaganza, and she aimed to show Distributors the way forward. Cvitanovich was one of Herbalife's first ever Distributors, and is often referred to as 'the mother of Herbalife'. She addressed the crowds on the topic of 'Philosophies of Success'.

The Bad News About The Events

The down side to these events, however, is that their effects on the Distributors are often very short lived, and once the buzz and the adrenaline has worn off, the Distributor returns home and continues to make the same mistakes that they have always been making. Often there is so much emphasis on hype, that the substance is neglected somewhat.

You need to leave the Extravaganza feeling motivated and psyched, but you also need to leave with the confidence and the ability to implement improvements in your business that will make the whole event worthwhile. Ultimately, if you walk away from the event and into the same problems you were facing in your business before it, then the whole experience will have been worthless.

So if you have attended, or are going to attend, an Extravaganza event this year, then be sure to make the most of it, and use it as a turning point in your business.

If you would like to find out more about making the most of the Herbalife Extravaganza events then visit Success After The Extravaganza.

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