Mitsubishi 73 Inch TV - A True Success in Entertainment

Television has become a huge member of our daily lives and we cannot think a moment wherein TV as the instrument of entertainment is not present. TV has greatly evolved from being the 'idiot-box' from the one which not only delivers drama and soap operas but also is the best device which provides the news and information from all over the world and keeps us up-to-date with the current reality. The progress in the type and model of TV feels like it has taken a huge place within our very lives wherein the small screen boxes have given way to the advanced improved huge screens with very high clarity and resolution. The important television system which has captured our hearts is the Mitsubishi 73 inch TV.

Mitsubishi 73 inch TV can also be referred as the pride of technology and also the owner who owns it. It is not of the simple type and cannot be installed in any house. The Mitsubishi WS-73711 73-Inch HDTV was released into the markets as a Christmas present in November 2002. This rear-projection 73-inch television is a real pleasure to have at homes and in all gives a total feel of sophistication and satisfaction. This model has a unique feature of including the 9-inch CRT's, in contrast to all the earlier models which only had the 7-inch CRT's. The increase in size in the new model greatly enhanced the lighting features and the entire resolution of the output.

One can only define the Mitsubishi WS-73711 73-Inch HDTV as the perfect home-theatre system that everybody would dream to take home. It is the best conversation piece to anyone who drops in at your home and provides the solid foundation to a great entertainment time in the homely environment. The PC input of the system is worth talking about even though it has a lower resolution of 640:680. An interesting point about this TV is that it can display audio output as well through picture-in-picture signals.

The built-in HD tuner in the device comes as a huge surprise and works in such a way and that it receives and also decodes the air and cable signals simultaneously. The set is a huge hit since it also includes NetCommand and various integration features. The NetCommand helps the system in a different way and also bestows technique features to the remote control by which it can control the entire system. Mitsubishi 73 inch TV can be declared as a huge success in the present times to the field of television and has been included with all the user-friendly features to make the system so popular.

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