Setting Up a Home Entertainment System - What Is the Best 60" LCD TV?

When you begin looking for 60 inch LCD TV's, you will find these are normally grouped in the 55 inch and over category. These are the most expensive sets around and usually offer a rear projector unlike the smaller sets at least for those with a less expensive price tag.

Before you just rush out and purchase one of the name brands you find on a review, you should learn if this is the set that will work best in your home. First, a 60 inch may not be exactly what you need. To get the best viewing experience from a 60 inch set all those watching will need to sit at least 20 feet from the screen. The distance for optimal viewing is one-third the size of the set, which in this case would be 20 feet. You may have to rethink the size if all the seats cannot be placed 20 feet away in the room you have chosen for your entertainment system.

The best rated name brands for 60 inch LCD HDTV's include Sharp, Samsung, Sony, and LG. The best way to find the one that fits your home is by checking out the features as well as the price tags. For the Sharp the cost ranges from $1,500 to $2,200, the Samsung $1,600 to $2,500, the Sony $1,800 to $2,300, and the LG $1,700 to $2,600.

The best way to learn which brand is perfect is by visiting a retail store that offers various brands and checking out the images from different distances and angles. Once you know which set you desire, search online for the best deals available.

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