Tips on a Big Cleaning of the House

It is never a good time to do a big cleaning of your house, but that is something that we have to do from time to time. You have to get rid of grime and dust, and after cleaning, your house will look much brighter and it will be much healthier place for you and your family. Because we all need a little push to get started, you will find here few advices that will help you to do this job easier and faster.

The biggest problem always is dust and dirt that is on our shelves, regardless of where are they, in kitchen, living room or bathroom. Therefore, you have to empty shelves and then clean the surface thoroughly of dust and dirt. Also clean all this hard to reach corners. Now is the right time to think about putting shelf liners because they are very useful and easier to clean, and they protect your shelves from scratches. And a little tip here. When you cleaning the dust always clean from higher to lower points. That is because dust is falling down and you should clean from top to bottom, and avoid cleaning twice same place.

When you doing vacuum cleaning of your floors and carpets, also vacuum behind all of your furniture, even if that means that you have to move all of your beds, sofas and other furniture. If you don't do this now, dust will come out after you finish your cleaning, and you will have to do it all over again.

Your windows are waiting too for their share in big cleaning. For them, use a cleaning solution for windows and wipe them with ordinary newspapers. And you will see, when your windows are clear and shiny you will be feeling happy and positive too.

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