Don't Let Your Entertainment Entertain You all the Way to the Poor House!

We all have only 24 hours in a day. Just 24 hours. If we use eight of those for sleeping, two stuck in traffic, .5 in the restroom/ bathroom. Eight more hours working for "the man". That leaves us with only four hours to do everything else... that means eating, laundry, shopping, spending time with the kids, etc. If you do the math, you can see that that doesn't leave a whole lot of time for the TUBE. Yet, somehow we seem to make time for TV. With hundreds of channels and thousands of shows, its no wonder that we are all hooked. Well, its time to "unhook" ourselves. We can use television as a tool for learning, or as a way to stay abreast of current events, but we should not give what little is left of our free time to it. Set a time limit, for you and your family. If you go by the the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American spends more than 4 hours watching television each day (or 28 hours/week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). In a 65-year life, that person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube.

Most of us still have things that we want to do with our lives, dreams that we are still clinging to. We just don't know what we can do to make them a reality. Whatever it is, one thing is certain we probably won't find it on the television. According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, Americans spend as much as nine times as many minutes watching television and/ or movies as they do exercising, playing sports and all other leisure time activities combined. If you add to that listening to music and going out to the club, you've entered a whole new arena of LOST TIME, and that lost time can never be found again. As a matter of fact, sociologists have declared watching television the most common human activity, after work and sleep.

Right now, we need to recognize our time for what it is. It is our most valuable resource. Unlike money, once your time is gone... you are gone. When your money is gone, you can always get it back again. If your house burns down (God forbid), you can have another one rebuilt, the same with a car, a business, etc.

If you must be entertained, reward yourself with entertainment. Only after you have stretched and grown and learned something new should you give up your time to the "idiot box". Since we are now in the information age, we should take advantage of all that information that we have at our fingertips. It's not too late. Learn something new, as a matter of fact you should strive to learn something new everyday. Don't be afraid to tap into those childhood dreams. It's not crazy to think that you could actually be a racecar driver, a pilot, or a firefighter.

The point is, as a society we are becoming slaves to entertainment. Our situation, our place in life doesn't change. We don't get ahead at work, we worry about the economy when we could be improving our personal economy, and when complain when someone else gets promoted. YOU become that person. Start burning the midnight oil, learn something new everyday. Be the most informed person at your position. This is what it will take to turn your life around. I think that new house, or going on vacation due to your personal growth is worth giving up a little time with our beloved television.

If there is something you want/need to know and don't yet know it. Learn it! Let this be your pledge:

If he/she can do it, it can be done. If it can be done, I CAN DO IT!

Rob Golden


blowingupthemoon ajjewellfuneralinfo

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