Discover All the House Rewiring Facts For Your House Rewire

Let us not beat about the bush here, house rewiring is a major undertaking and you will need as much information as you can gather so as to make an informed decision on your own house rewire.

Part of the problem people face is that as this is most likely a one-time action in that you will probably only ever have to get it done once in a lifetime, it is difficult to collect all one is supposed to know so as to make the right decision for you, and your home.

In simpler terms, we do not know what we do not know, which is an uncomfortable position to be in when having to make such an investment in our home.

So how do we overcome this problem?. One way is to spend time on learning what questions to ask, and another is to find a company who you can trust and who will take you through everything, explaining what you need to know along the way.

Whatever path you personally decide to take, let me give you some pointers and broad advice.

Firstly you want to make absolutely sure that you are dealing with fully accredited electricians and any company worth their salt in the industry will have all the accreditation they need to operate from the relevant authorities. No matter, do not take this at face value. Get them to explain fully what accreditation they carry.

You should then ask for testimonials from other customers and, if they shy away from giving these to you, go on to the next company. The main thing you should be asking the testimonial customer will be did they keep to their word on all they promised, with particular emphasis on their attention to the cleanliness of your home.

You will next want to ensure that you get a fixed price deal, with no hidden extras. You need to insist on this, and naturally get it all tied up in writing.

My strong recommendation to you on the issue of pricing is this. Unless you have decided to use a contractor who has been recommended to you, get at least two competitive prices, ideally three, so as to ensure you get the best financial deal. Emotion does come into such a decision, as you will also want to deal with people you like, but never take just one price from anyone, no matter how much you may at first like them. And remember, you can get things done cheaply, quickly or well, and as this is a major outlay, with safety implications for you and your family, just make sure that getting it done well is in the forefront of your mind.

The same applies to ensuring you are getting a comprehensive warranty on the work undertaken, and again ensure this is put in writing before you proceed.

You will want to know how long the work will take, and when they can start. Again, get this start date confirmed to you in writing. Having the electrical contractors in the house will most likely entail you having to be there all the time, which may cause you to have to take time off work.

You will of course appreciate that the work is going to cause some disruption. It is impossible to make an omelette without the proverbial breaking of an egg. Discover exactly what this disruption will entail. For example, if furniture needs to be moved, or carpets taken up, you will want to know exactly who is responsible for all that. Again, any reputable electrical contractor should walk you through all this, but always best to be prepared. Knowledge is power.

In summary therefore -

1. Make sure your chosen contractor carries full accreditation from all the relevant authorities.

2. Ensure that you check out testimonials from existing customers.

3. Get a guaranteed fixed price deal, with no hidden extras, and get this all confirmed in writing.

4. Get at least 2, ideally 3, price quotations. But do remember the caveat of ensuring that you do not just pick the cheapest, but the best, at the best price.

5. You need to ensure you have the warranty details explained in writing.

6. Find out how long the work will take, and get a written confirmed start date.

7. And finally, check out who will be responsibly for removing furniture or carpets.

Do all of these things, and you should end up with the right contractor for you, at the best price, and with the least amount of upheaval and disruption.

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