Free Foreclosure Listings - Get the House of Your Dreams at 60% Lower Than the Original Cost

The recent upheavals in the real estate market have provided numerous opportunities for people who are looking for a good bargain with foreclosures. It is possible to get the house of your dreams for 60% lower than the original asking price. That is a huge discount; however, it's not always easy to find foreclosure listings. Most places will try and charge fees for access to their listings because they are a valuable commodity. However, for the diligent person wanting to get a house at 60% cheaper than it originally was, there are a number of ways to find free listings of properties in foreclosure.

While many places offer free listings of properties in foreclosure, not all are free. Some have hidden fees that can crop up at the most inopportune moments. Many good lists do require fees, and although the fees may be small, it can be hard to know which lists are good and which are scams. An excellent strategy is to utilize the free 7-day trial that many of lists offer. Yes, it will take diligence to make sure the subscription is canceled at the right time, but it is worth it to look at their lists. 1 week can provide you with a lot of time to thoroughly check out what properties are available and see if they update their lists often. A good list will be updated daily as the foreclosure market is fast-moving.

Other places to find free listings are banks and county clerks. Although potentially time consuming and aggravating, once a person is in contact with the foreclosure department in a bank, it can be a big time saver. Having properties in foreclosure forces banks to lose money, so banks want to get properties out of foreclosure quickly. Many banks will let people look at their foreclosure lists in the hopes of them buying properties that are in foreclosure or are approaching it. Some banks will even let the property go for 60% less than the value. Additionally, county clerks can help give information about houses that have foreclosure proceedings in process. Many listings are available in this manner for little to no money.

Finding free foreclosure listings can take a little time, but once you learn how, you will be happy you did. The best thing of all is being able to find the home of your dreams at an incredible price, sometimes as much as 60% lower than the original price.

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