The history of the ball home over the years

It 's strange that people have with the head and hands, before we had computers at home, think of video game consoles and other electronic forms of entertainment. Human hands seem to be perfectly shaped joystick and mouse in the form - or maybe vice versa?
Home entertainment has changed dramatically with the computer and video game industry. Now, these two sectors that are increasingly a thing.
Have you heard of the Magnavox Odyssey? It was the firstmeasure published game console, introduced in 1972. But it was a few more years before bouncing a ball game called Pong caused the world, fall in love with video games and Atari was the head of the home gaming market.
In 1977 began to appear at home, and early, primitive computer, for example, the Commodore 64 and Tandy Color Computer has begun to compete with game consoles for the time and money by the tech-savvy consumers. While some homes had both a computer and game consolethat was rare. Both terms were expensive, and consumers had to choose between the versatility of a home computer and the superior graphics controller and the Xbox 360.
Soon names like RCA, Intellivision and Nintendo entered the video game market, while Apple, IBM and a number of cloning took on Computing. Speed ​​and image quality in video game systems and personal computers, improved, and launched a new game company would temporarily put in front of anotheranother new development is changing the industry again.
The home computer has reached prominence in the late 1990s, when many homes have at least one computer, and they showed no signs of decline. Game consoles have not reached that level of growth, but continue to gain in popularity, despite the aberrant short on the market.
For several years, game consoles and computer mice and joysticks and trackball touchpad occasionally go depended. But in 2006, NintendoWii was launched, marked the beginning of the games without the physical checks. Game console manufacturers also have connections to the Internet and the ability to surf the Internet for their console, eliminating the need for a computer in a family where the computers are not needed for business applications.
Just as video games, the sense of movement and do not require controller, the future and the further integration between television, games, Internet and home computers.
A long journeyinexpensive device attached to a user's high-tech, wall-monitor with a comprehensive range of entertainment. In fact, some TVs are coming on the market soon, almost all the games gamers can imagine alternatives - and for those who have never even thought about design.
But not to worry. Retro is still inside, too. Pong is still available for most games format - and continues to sell as the 1975th
Jump on Xbox 360Console for more information.

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