English Love Your home entertainment center

Greenbee - the company offers financial services and leisure John Lewis Partnership - shows almost a third (31 percent) felt at home was a center of entertainment, say one in five (20 percent), was a place to socialize and entertain your friends and family. Download the best in eastern England on guests with a friendly (28 percent), compared to only 12 per cent in Wales.
But think about this a "night" haveurged to check their home insurance as Greenbee.com warns that many people left disappointed when they can also make an application for accidental puncture when entertaining at home. Only 28 of 259 household products currently on offer (11 percent) are the accidental damage - like a red wine spilled on the sofa - as standard. has about eight in 10 people under-insured by 80 percent and 10 credits in four Greenbee Home Insurancewhere on the basis of damage caused by accidents / accidental loss ((information on Greenbee Home Insurance from the end of January 2008.) are the important people are aware of what protection they actually have.
Further investigation into the world of the GfK Roper Reports Research has also shown that the appearance is the home of the utmost importance, with 38 percent of respondents believe will be the expression of themselves. One in eight (13 percent) felt at home a "gallery" where they showThings that have collected over the years. Those, East Midlands and South West England are more likely to take pride in their property, with 19 percent taking into account their home a place where they can show their value, compared to only 7 percent of people in South-East.
However, it seems that for some, the house is worth less sentimental. Twenty-nine percent of respondents feel at home is just a house, a place to sleep and food, rising to 39 per cent of peopletheir early twenties. One in eight (13 percent), feel at home, an office, a place where I work - with the south-east are more likely to bring work home (23 percent), almost double that of its neighbors in London ( for 12 per cent), and 3 percent of the population of Wales.
It is no surprise that people see their home as a place to feel safe and want to protect, and in turn their precious things, whether or not important or important and sought-after objects areequipment needed to do some work.
However, research from Greenbee has shown that the majority of UK adults consider the margins - as an unfortunate accident during a party, entertaining evening - will be covered as standard, when most of the time, this is not the case. E 'is therefore essential that the people things that are important to them covered by their insurance for home, as otherwise it may well be disappointed in case of damage. "

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