House Season 5 Episode 22 "House Divided"

House seems to have once again surprised with his dry humor, while the exercise of his conversations with his fantasy, Amber. His dual personality reveals his thoughts by Amber and charisma that unites them is extraordinarily funny. While House to add his famous trial and error in medicine, you get to see the Chase a little fun and to his right and putting together a graduation party.

House is now trying his blanket vocational training, Amberfor the correct diagnosis of a young man who is deaf. As the battle of the diagnosis, her house "Cocky" self-diagnosis and begins to sleep during the boy to a lack of. After a few attempts to discover what was wrong with the youth, has decided to continue with plans for Chase Bachelor Party and to ensure its best to sprout, to inform Wilson. Of course, divorce Wilson still angry about his, he insists he does not come to the party. House is not surprised, but Instead, Wilson's curiosity overcomes him, he does not care if it shows the party or not. At that time, Wilson was able to get the party wanted to be kept in his apartment!

Now that House Party set out its plans for those who seek to hospital shows a fire trick a bartender in the morgue des The funny side of the house once again demonstrates the lights when a body on fire accidentally and quickly tried to douse the flames based on the dead body of a man!

Of course> House is determined to diagnose the people as the young man with his fun. He comes up with a brilliant idea (along with the help of Amber, of course) the vibrations of the music! So he enters the hospital room, where the young at rest, walking with a big boom in the 1990 box on my shoulder singing the song "Fight the Power" by Public Enemy. Do not forget, had a pair of sunglasses that generation were 90 years! House was sure to come prepared for the diagnosisto guess.

Back to Party @ House asks advice from Amber, the name that you provide a stripper for the party. A woman named "Caramel" (with a "K"). It turns out, Carmelo was a stripper from a previous Bachelor Party, House had thrown, and he liked the fact that your body could do with their shots. Not knowing, Chase was allergic to strawberries (or right?) It is consumed in the bathroom apartment of Wilson, drinking a bottle of wine, while "talking" Amber. Soonlater, Chase licking a drink belly and caramel flavors of strawberry and then falls to the ground. Luckily he is OK, but the hospital for safety.

I can not wait to see what the next House Season 5 Episode 23 "Under My Skin" takes in this play of events.


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