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Now days includes many entertainment activities such as games, TV, film, radio, music and so many things. Culture is also, sports entertainment, fun and well known. Entertainment industry offers a great opportunity for those who love our life with the help of many sources. The main source of entertainment and powerful is television, where all information is transmitted via satellite using the world as black and white video, film andmany more. You know very well, television is a combination of optical, mechanical and electronic equipment to collect, transfer and display a visual image and the transfer of all types of images. Previously, the TV type of thing where you can watch TV, listen to music, news and videos with the conductor that is a lot of channels to see different things and is very famous all provide homes, offices, because it is' a so fun. Previously, only blackIt is very popular white television, color television in the 21 century but is very popular nowadays and also includes many features such as games on TV, TV Shows, etc. play an important role in the television because he is famous for TV shows. TV program is also in the U.S. television show called. It 's very popular and famous in the United States.

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