The rebirth of the Napa Valley Opera House

Built in 1879, the Napa Valley Opera House, the backdrop for what is "allowed" as the only form of entertainment was to be his time. Home to many classic bands like Gilbert and Sullivan, was the place to see men and women a higher status.

Exactly 35 years later, the opera house closed its doors. He has just recovered after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco Bay and innovations in the field of consumer electronics such as cinema. For more than halfCentury, several companies set up shop at work. During the Second World War 1 by the military, have turned into an arsenal of luck for a while '.

The Napa Valley Opera House was torn down almost by the year 1973, until a group of historic preservationists have come together to make it as a National Historic Landmark list. In 1985 he formed the late artist Veronica di Rosa and his friends, what the Napa Valley Opera House non-profit and become the property purchased. Unfortunately, Rosanot live to see the completed project.

Now completely renovated, the Napa Valley Opera House has been renovated to its glorious by the contractor and the citizens of Napa Valley. Vineyard owner Robert Mondavi was a bag of $ 2 million in "and demand that the non-profit group, full of fervor, which uses other $ 2,000,000 in order to restore its former glory. A year later, in In 1998, the Light of Lights community campaign raised half a million dollars to moreSupport the cause.

Who was involved in the renovation and restoration of the Opera House and the extra mile to update its facilities. The improvements include an orchestra pit and a best 25 'River House also said that more space available and the project related to the Napa River Development Project. The generosity and caring of the community to continue in this process. Studio 1030 for the sole purpose of increasing the $ 3 million needed for the developmentfull recovery.

In June 2002, began performances at the Napa Valley Opera House. Dianne Reeves was awarded the honor of opening season. Other shows followed, including family shows and classical music. The 2002 season was a success.

Finally the day came in 2003 when the main stage of the Opera House was officially opened its doors to the main theater. It was the first time since 1913, could boast that claim. The gloryNapa Valley Opera House is no longer a dream. It 'an incredible story of a community together to honor the history and art and home. After countless hours of community volunteers, donated millions of dollars for their cause, the work was once again having fun seriously. The exception is that this once and for all, regardless of "class" or status. If you take their family in Napa Valley, he decided it would be negligent not to include the OperaAs part of his house. The experience of the opera house is one to share with everyone.


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