Save money - sell the house - 10 Budget to help you sell things indoors

If you're ready to have your house on the market, it's time to look at the inside of your home with a critical eye. The good news is that there are many very simple, inexpensive projects you can do that will greatly improve a buyer's opinion of your home.

Several popular TV shows now to improve the internal appearance of the houses to increase the market value or appeal. Properties often learn about this wonderful program presented by very visual processingsmall changes. We can use this attitude - more for less - the look of your home and improve.

Always remember our motto - more for less. We want to focus on small, economic changes that impact the visual appearance of your home. Wiring the house for high-speed internet (things not to be seen or used by trade visitors only in situational circumstances), or spend a lot of money for major improvements like the addition of granite, is surprisingly less incomethan you think.

1. Look Down

This is an important factor for many buyers - what kind of flooring you have and especially what is the condition. I literally saw buyers away from home because the carpet was dirty too. It is possible that the rejection of a negative phenomenon or even preventing even the floor at their best. If you have carpeting, rent a steam cleaner for the weekend and use it. They are rather inexpensive and can be reallyCarpet especially older younger. If you have laminate or wood, use a floor cleaner and when it dries a non-slip floor wax. Make sure that before any projections or open houses - do not want to smell the house, like cleaning the island of your grocery store. Speaking of ...

2. Destroy odors

This is difficult to assess. Often we are so used to the smell of our homes, we can not be more objective. Take the help of aFriend (your REALTOR is a good choice), you are sure to give you an honest assessment. Here are some common sources of house smells and ways to combat them:

Pets: Keep the cat / bird cage pet / clean areas spotless. If you have a room that often pets, might be a good candidate for some potpourri or air fresheners non-offensive. Febreeze is a great scent masks - if you have pets (especially dogs), the slope on the couch, chairs or lay on blankets or rugs that giveFurniture spray a fast advance in your open house.

food odors, some types of cooking can really add intense fragrance to your home. Pay attention to your kitchen very clean - get rid of fat that may have collected on the stove, hood, floors or furniture (check up to). Get an oven and clean the inside of the oven. Also, make sure that all kitchen waste is disposed of immediately. Finally, if you know your visitors are coming failed, kitchenanything with strong odors - taken as a treat to work hard to get your home ready for sale.

musty: It is often fraught with problems of water should first check is a stale smell a great street for a buyer. Certain locations tend to pick up this smell - Keller, lower bedroom, rec. Chamber of walk-in basements, attics or conservative. You can try to reduce a regular basis, with a de-humidifier (if you have one) in a problem position for a couple of weeksShow on everything. Carpets often collect this odor - make sure you clean steam (see above). Also, this might be a good candidate for a deodorant not offensive. If you suspect that there is a problem of water to be controlled by a professional.

Just a couple of tips, air fresheners: less is more. Make sure not to overwhelm your customer with deodorant. It often raises the suspicion that something is covered, even if there is no real reason for theirsuspicious. the heavy smell like pine, rose or citrus heavy a real turn-off - Do not use scent - lavender, chamomile, citrus light. There is also a good option that I discuss in my last tip of the guide.

3. Fix and Touch on the walls

A few minutes with some filler, some light sanding and a few paint touch-up pad, the hole in the wall off if you stuck in the motion furniture repair, expansion plans, it will be another nail or wallDefects, even if you have no ability to repair. It 's just to look decent, not perfect. Stick the tape off of drywall, with a touch of fill and patch - it will be pretty ugly and it's easy to notice. Oh, and ....

4. I have to paint all the rooms?

It depends. If you have the time to do it myself, or if things seem really bad painting can be a great gain. In addition, if you do you can be pretty cheap. Try to hire a painterYour local shop for the holidays - you'll be amazed how easy it is to be surprised. Strong colors are often a problem with many buyers. You can love orange pumpkin in the living room, but are they? Neutral colors are best - remember this house for sale - you can use the new colors, paint what you want, but to maximize the use of home as many buyers as possible. Trust me, stick with neutral here. If there are sections of the house that you might really need a new coat, useJudgement. Remember - more for less.

5. Remove personal note

To identify customers with your home - to see themselves living there. One thing that is diverted from this point of view a photo of your family every time you turn. So that would be sad to see all the pictures are down, but it must happen. Just think of it as part of the packaging process. It 's also a good time for all the homework, pictures and drawings that childrenmade from the refrigerator and walls.

6. De-clutter the way for a sale

Keep the house clean and tidy for visitors. This is one of the hardest things for your home on the market - the feeling that your house must always be the best. Even a little 'can go a long way here. Make sure the toys are picked up and put away, home office areas are kept clean and tidy, neatly stacked in storage, clothes away, put organized workshops, the kitchen is inOrder and all those hundreds of other things you do when a company is approaching. A well-kept home evokes feelings of peace and order in the buyers - both good things.

7. Open the home page

There are some simple things you can do, and some difficult things - the good news is that all of them do not cost much. One of the biggest changes that happens on these home makeover TV shows occurs when new furniture, to create the impression of more space. Take acritical look at any room in your house - if you have time, move the furniture a bit '- if the space of one position over another. If you have a digital camera, take pictures and compare them side by side. Another option is to remove all the furniture. This is a great idea, because not only is at home to open up more, but they give you a jump on the pack. I would suggest the furniture completely out of the house - maybe rent a storage space, outside, or ifthis is not possible to save all removed parts neatly on one side of the garage. Some buyers do not even look in the garage and when they do, better to have a room full of stuff, like the whole house. The last thing is to let all the curtains pulled back - that makes a room look "light" and the additional natural light is always a plus.

8. Clean, clean, clean

This is a tactic of selling very useful, so you really can not get away with not doing. Keep themJust vacuumed carpets, counters wiped down, cleaned the kitchen are down (the kitchen is the most important to many buyers) and bathroom sparkling clean (bathrooms are often the second most important area for many buyers), and everything dusted. Some other tips - clean the bugs off the lights - I am a big "Yuck!" Enter all the woodwork, once on some furniture polish and clean the window sills and windows. Be sure to keep all the dishes washed and out of the bar -dirty dishes are a big turn off. Also, make sure that all the closets are organized and clean - there will be buyers an idea of ​​space - be prepared!

9. Windows and doors

Surprisingly, this factor is quite high in a buyer's market trouble. A sticky door or aloud, every buyer of a second stop and go "Hmmm." The good news is that this is a simple solution - a can of WD-40 takes care of himself and creaks around those sticky doors, buy a piece of paraffin(Found in the canning of your grocery store) and rub a bit 'in the area of ​​the port that looks worn. For windows, make sure that open easily - Start by cleaning the door - often avoid a lot of dust and dirt that related to the window clean the opening. If this trick does not work, try some WD-40 or a little 'wax here.

10. Prepare your home for viewing

Our goal is to make the house so bright and "family" as possible. There are a couple ofGimmicks, you can use to prove that indeed this environment.

- Bake something - cookies are a good option - Custom House is a good - not just burn. We're going for the flavors here. Smell of freshly baked cookies as home buyers expensive perfume.

- Cookies (works well with the above), or in summer, cold mineral water. Buyers like this personal touch and keep their opinions of the unconscious at home.

-Open all curtains and dim the lights - you want your home to airy, bright and open. Change all the lamps are off. If it is winter and you have one, light the fire.

- Set the table as if you were to have a good meal with friends. Most want you to sell your dining room as a fun place and covered that impression.

- Start bit 'of pop music - nothing offensive - Smooth Jazz is a good option. Keep the volume low - inBackground.

- This is fundamental to remove all small valuables in sight. I believe that all home buyers are on their best behavior, but sometimes this is not the case - it is better than cure.

- The most important thing that you remove from your home to help you sell, you are. Bring the family for the day or for a few hours during the open house / exhibition. Normally, when a house to attend an open house, is never so well -Buyers always feel they are imposing, and that is not what you want. You want them to spend time in your home.

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