Friday Night at Home - Some Ideas For Home Entertainment

If you couldn't rustle up a date for this Friday night, and you're wondering what on earth you can do to entertain yourself, maybe it's time to get a bit creative. After all, your friends probably won't be chatting on Facebook and you can only watch "The Godfather" or your favorite chick flick if you're a woman, so many times before realizing you've got it memorized! Here are some ideas on how you can spend an interesting and productive Friday night at home!

Explore New Movies

If you are a movie buff, why not go online and check out something really different? If you search carefully, you'll find African movies as well as Caribbean ones, Middle Eastern ones, and more. Many of these sites offer free content, and you can also select a feature-length movie from their libraries on a pay-per-view basis. What a great way to expand your horizons beyond the usual fare.

Clean That Closet

Ok, ok, it's not fun: but you'll feel great afterwards! If you think hard enough, you'll probably come up with a whole list of things you've been putting off around the house. A free Friday night is an opportunity to start putting a dent in all those forgotten chores. Do a little bit at a time, and it won't seem too painful! Remember to treat yourself afterwards by ordering a pizza or, if you're a woman, indulging in a pampering pedicure.

Do Something For Someone Else

If you're moping around because you're home on a Friday night, quit thinking about yourself and do something kind for someone else. It could be as simple as calling your Grandma. Or you could give the struggling neighbors a free evening of babysitting so that they can get a break. Nothing is more important to do on a Friday night perhaps, than making someone else happy and brightening their day!

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