Diseases of houseflies

I write this article as a contribution to the promotion of our fly killer machines. It provides information on diseases that are caused by house flies.

Flies and other fecal sources common dunghill. Visit also decaying matter and dead animals. On landing on food that has been prepared for human consumption is contaminated material is often transferred to the food.

There is a wide spectrum of diseases which are transmitted by flies. Here are some of thethem

Typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi)

Symptoms: High temperature (up to 104 ° C or 40 ° C), loss of appetite, headache, stomach pain, and usually a certain weakness. Sometimes a pink rash appears.

Treatment: A doctor will usually prescribe an antibiotic and the symptoms are no longer in a few days. If no treatment is given to the issue seriously ill and even die from secondary problems (up to 20% of typhoid patients die without treatment).

Cholera (causecholerae from Vibria, a bacterium)

Symptoms: Unexpected Consequences of watery diarrhea, white patches of mucous material, stomach pain, dry or sticky mouth contains, sunken eyes, concentrated colored urine, where a child is a distinctly sunken fontanel, the soft spot (on the top of the head), dry skin , nausea and vomiting () in the rule.

Treatment: The cabinets can of mild to severe. If left untreated, can lead to serious cases of imminent death. Drink plenty of fresh water, mixed with smallAmounts of salt and sugar. This is again in the body fluid. The treatment must be given immediately.

Escherichia coli

Symptoms: It depends on the strain of Escherichia coli. Most strains are harmless and cause no detectable symptoms. Other strains such as O157: H7 can sometimes lead to bloody diarrhea. In a very small number of cases of Escherichia coli O157: H7 can hemolytic uremic syndrome, which lead to kidney failure can result in children. For most of us, and for mosttime, Escherichia coli does not cause problems.

Treatment: No treatment is necessary unless occurs uremic syndrome, in which case a blood transfusion and dialysis may be required.

Shigellosis (caused by Shigella, a bacterium)

Symptoms: diarrhea (often bloody), fever and stomach pain. Most cases are mild and may not even be noticed. In a small number of cases that can be very young and very old, vulnerable to high fever, may (and rare) leads to aSeizure in an infant.

These are just some of the diseases that can spread by houseflies. Be on your guard. So you can want to be sure, a fly killer machine, install following (details).

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