7 Steps To Take Action Once you divorce

The decision for divorce is only the first step. Once you have resolved the decision, your marriage (divorce), there are some steps you should take action.

If you and the soon-to-be-ex is taking the DIY route to divorce, you should:

Cancel all joint credit cards - open new individual accounts. Be absolutely sure that all joint accounts are actually closed. Make sure you both have a clear agreement about who is paying the bill, while theDivorce is pending. If the balance is great, also think about who is responsible for the balance board.

Cancel Direct Deposit, if you unlink IT and related bank accounts, when online. You want to change your direct deposit so that he no longer unique to your new bank account. Since some time, change takes direct deposit, you must keep the joint account be opened for a few months. They are closing the joint bank account, then unlink it now so neitherShe tries to do something malicious later.

Split ratio in the joint accounts and open up to each individual separate accounts. The general rule for allocating property in Florida is 50/50, so go ahead and split the money, you are now in the bank. Put the money into an individual account that you opened.

Change all passwords - email, websites ATM - and do not use the same old! It is time to stop, the recycling of old passwords.

Monitor your credit report to be that the accounts be closed. You are responsible for joint accounts, so you be sure they are to be closed. If they are not closed, can any of you be attempted later, the bill, claiming that the card is lost to use. If your on an old joint account, which was not closed, is done, the other spouse a dispute with credit reporting and bill collectors.

Start a folder to collect monthly bills in one place - this makes the FinancialAffidavit easier. The financial affidavit is a lengthy process. Do something that makes it easier to track how much everything costs each month. Remember, some bills are only quarterly, half yearly or even annually. You must of course also included.

Decide how the budget bills are considered during the divorce process. Make sure your agreement is clear and write it down for you to sign both.

You can use this online estimator for child support.Although not exact, it gives you an idea of what the child will accept payments so you can make a budget for your new life.

Once you've made the decision to divorce, you should take steps to handle on your finances as a first step in the divorce.

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