Top 10 Vampire Movies You Need To Watch - The most entertaining vampire films

Although I have not seen all the vampire films there, I have some real stinkers SA through Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter sounds interesting. It may also have been interesting if they (not for its sheer oddity, and musical numbers, yes, you're really right). The only vampire movie I've ever had off was Jugular Wine, just fifteen minutes after. It was a shot of video-on-independent, that masqueraded as a real movie.

After writing my thesis on the history of vampire films, I felt obliged tocan to the top ten. My criteria for selection of these films were on three points: repeated watchability, artistic qualities and sense of humor. Repeated watchability (I know, that's a word) covers things such as dialogue, plot and general creepiness. Artitic properties are cinematography, set and costume design and direction. I think humor speaks for itself.

10. Son of Dracula Dracula Why should a successor (the third in a series of Universal) with the unfathomable Lon ChaneyJr. as Dracula on a list of vampire movies? The short answer is that it stops with me. Suppose include Dr. Brewster, the nose, where it can do not only as an American, sticks. There is also a very physical Dracula who strangled his opponent. The effects are done very well for the 1940s. Dracula turns into mist and a bat and throws even when the sun rises (the first on the screen, as Nosferatu).

9. Blacula Okay, I know this was part of the blaxploitation filmsthe 1970s and as a time capsule for this time it could not be better. This is a film in which a vampire to walk around in a cape attracts no attention. Surprisingly Blacula has a lot to offer, even as a vampire movie. William Marshall is deep in his portrayal of Mamuwalde, an African prince, who has been trapped in a coffin of Dracula. His original love, Luva, reincarnated as Tina. His desire for them is with such lines as genuine, "I'm alive again, to lose twice." At the endif Tina is destroyed, Blacula decides to take his own life and staggering into the sun and resolution. Once you get past the camp factor, Blacula has a lot to offer, like a vampire movie.

8. Dracula I know I am responsible for placing the Bela Lugosi film in the 8th to get crucified. But seriously, this film is really scary anymore? The film draws, and this is due to the direction of Tod Browning's. Browning does not pay attention, as the movie was filmed and edited. In aBalcony Scene, It's an endless take approximately three minutes, where the camera is not moving. Dracula is still a strong film. It has some fascinating pictures (mostly due to Karl Freund), the photographer, as if Dracula is clear from his coffin. Bela Lugosi's performance remains unmatched. Because he learn his English lines phonetically, he added odd pauses to his extradition, which the famous Lugosi accent. Finally, Dracula would not be complete without manic Dwight Frye'sPerformance as Renfield. His laugh alone should put this movie list of people.

7. Return of the Vampire The film marks the return of Bela Lugosi, the role of a vampire, Armand Tesla. The werewolf servant, who has so cliché in Halloween Lore had its beginning in this film with Andreas Obry, played by Matt Willis. He saves himself at the end, pull the unfortunate vampire in the sun, which is not strange to kill him. Tesla appears only stunned by theDaylight. Andreas Dorn other drives through the chest, so that the vampire to melt, a very special effect in their cruel day.

6. Underworld Guns, vampires, werewolves, and tight leather outfits. How could you loose? Underworld takes the artistic direction of matrix and mesh them with a mobster-action film. The casting of Bill Nighy as the head vampire, Viktor has a bit more enthusiasm (he was) and Davy Jones in the Pirates movies. The film was the original conceptRemake of "Romeo and Juliet with werewolves and vampires. If you get the juicy romance extract and add teeth to Tybalt, you underworld.

5. From Dusk Till Dawn is technically only half a vampire flick. The first part is purely Quentin Tarantino dialogue and storyline. Robert Rodriguez 'Shoot' em style does not take over until the main characters reach Titty Twister bar in the Mexican border. Tom Savini (makeup master for Dawn of the Dead and Friday the 13th)Sports a penis shaped pistol from his belt buckle sources. The priest, who is played by Harvey Keitel, can not bring himself to curse, but several Vampire Gone with a shotgun, which as a double cross. Frankly, if you not seen this movie, stop what you're doing and rent. They have an almost naked Salma Hayek dancing with a snake. Need I say more?

4. Fright Night A campy vampire film set in the dead middle of the 1980s. With that said, again unilaterally, theVampire genre. What works about this film is that the writer-director Tom Holland has his homework. The main character, Charley Brewster, has borrowed a name from Son of Dracula. While the actors and Vampire Hunter, Peter Vincent, is a combination of Vincent Price and Peter Cushing (Horror of Dracula see below). Peter Vincent is unusual in that it is about vampires and cowardly for most of the film fear. While the vampire Jerry Dandrige, played to the hilt by Chris Sarandon, eatsLandscape, and some apples. They have overlooked the dismal 1980's clothing and compulsory dance scene.

3. Horror of Dracula The film was the first color Dracula and produced eight sequels. In addition, played a couple of players who are well known in their own right: Peter Cushing as Van Helsing and Christopher Lee as Dracula. Hammer Films took advantage of Technicolor with dripping teeth and eyes are removed. The studio bought the rights from Universal, so long as theyDo not use a brand or property looks from the original Dracula movies. The result is a somewhat haphazard history in Germany. In the last face-off between the two adversaries Peter Cushing cross and two candlesticks from a crucifix, pushing up Dracula in the sun. A classic move is now a part of vampire lore.

2. Bram Stoker's Dracula Some people hate this movie. I choose to embrace him to act badly and all. In terms of acting, of course I am referring toWinona Ryder and Keanu Reeves. Winona was so stubborn not appear fault they do not appear (in the emotion) to believe that had a director and actors obscene things to her scream from the off, received no response. But this film is best seen on the novel by Bram Stoker. Yes, it inserts a reborn love. (Remember Blacula? You never thought that was not so groundbreaking film right?) Performance Gary Oldman as Dracula was spot on, by layers of history back to aTraditional flat character. Finally, factor Fauvist put Francis Ford Coppola and lighting, and you have a masterpiece of film.

1. Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, let me forward to say that I am not a fan of Anne Rice. But, I love the film by Neil Jordan set its prose. Even Anne Rice, threw the first a fit over the cast of Tom Cruise as Lestat, had to eat crow. Brad Pitt butches admirably the role of Louis, and a young Kirsten Dunstholds its own as Claudia. A particularly moving scene is when Claudia and her new companion is transformed into a sewer are set at sunrise. We look down the lens to the wall and beat the couple, now comprehensively. When Louis, they discovered the bodies flakes away as ash. This film is the culmination of the mood and theme of sixty years vampire movies.

I know I will get Flack for the films on this list. You may have your own favorites, which it did not make it. Or perhaps you feel the orderis wrong. I invite you to share your thoughts. Remember, these are all great vampire films, whatever you order it on

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