Resistance to Temptation - The JESUS Way

One thing that Jesus was not - conspicuously. When he healed someone, it was with a touch. When he spoke, the crowd came to him. And when He resisted the devil - it was by the simple mechanisms of fasting, prayer and Scripture. These are things you can do each of us, daily or weekly basis that do not provide quite suitable advice of Jesus on a public spectacle. Your life - your resistance to the temptation - will need all the ads.

In the Gospels, the most famous examples of Jesusface states and to resist temptation, the 3 tests in the desert at the very beginning of his ministry. Shortly after his baptism by John, Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, where he fasted for 40 days. At the end of this time the devil came and tried it 3 times viewed. The first was the desire to turn stones into bread. For the second test, the devil took Jesus to the top of the temple and asked him to jump off, and are protected by the angels. The third test was the presentationJesus of empires in the world, in exchange for Jesus to worship the devil. What is notable about all three examples - and that is your life - that Jesus had to withstand the force of these powerful and almost overwhelming temptation by his prayer and fasting for 40 days, and an indication of the Scriptures.

Another example is the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus has never asked to be let out his mission. He simply asked if there is an alternative. Jesus alwaysrealized that God's will be done. Jesus cursed the apostles who accompanied him to sleep, and declared that the time be better spent in prayer, the better to strengthen themselves against the temptation.

Jesus had different trials during the trial before Pilate and Herod, including the mockery of the soldiers and the physical and psychological torture he saw the beatings, crowned with thorns and humiliating beatings by the guards. Jesus resisted the temptation,either terminate its service or retaliation (Do not forget that Peter in the garden, he said during his arrest that he could call legions of angels to his side). Jesus resisted the temptation to remain faithful through to its mission.

The Last Temptation of Christ was as He hung dying on the Cross, blood loss and asphyxia. The amounts and the thief on his side mocked him and called him come to down from the cross. Again, resist the temptation of Jesus by focusing on its mission, includingGrant eternal life to the thief, who praised him for it.

Jesus in the Gospels emphasizes the connection with God, but nowhere was clear that over these incidents, where he was tried. He repeatedly said that prayer and fasting to strengthen the temptation, were themselves in first place, and quoting Scripture on the response of the devil.

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