House Sitting - A Mexican Experience

After 30 years with DuPont I finally decided to take my retirement. Rachel and I have our house in Dallas up for sale 3 months ago. Unfortunately for us, the market began to tumble at the start of the year gone, and the broker was open when he tells us that there is probably some time would get it all near our asking price. We were pretty financially well positioned, so we told him we could wait. Was after numerous vacations in Mexico, we decided long ago that we would sell it,> Home and relocate outside of Guadalajara, Lake Chapala. The largest ex-pat American community was there and the weather was eternal spring. We were in Puerto Vallarta and San Miguel de Allende as possible nesting sites, and looked. Each had its own charm and appeal.

While surfing the Internet I came across a Google ad advertising a website, house sitting opportunities in Mexico. Well, it was not long before I connected with a homeowner in PuertoVallarta need a couple, their vacation for a few months, watch as they return to Canada to visit family.

After many emails and phone calls Rachel and I were on our way to Mexico. The house was located just a few blocks from the beach in the town of Bucerias. The owners greeted us warmly and for the next 2 days gave us a tour of the area and all the information we needed to leave home for their care. Finally, they were gone, and we were alone at home in a very comfortablefull house.

Over the next few weeks, we got some learning to know the ex-pat neighbors. Everyone was very friendly. We have learned, all inputs and outputs on life in Mexico.

Since the casa was only a few years old, there was very little to do maintenance. I fixed a few holes in the screens and kept the little garden in order. We started the feeling of living in a small Mexican town to visit the few grocery stores for our needs preserved. We found a local Spanish teacher,Juanita, which came into our house 3 times a week. After 2 months, we actually have a working knowledge gained around, and some beautiful enough to visit.

Most of our time spent enjoying long walks on the beach at sunset. During the rainy season, there were some incredible storms that would pass through the bay cooling of humid summer days. Of course there were some leaks in the doors and windows, which I easily repaired.

Every few daysWater guy would past our house to the "garfons" of drinking water, we must be replaced. After a while I could speak Spanish with him and learned a bit about his life and his family. Each month, would go to pay for the Telmex office to the telephone bill. These bills were delivered by hand in the house as the Mexican postal unreliable. The Internet service, the house was supplied by the company and cable TV channels and their statement was delivered byHand. As was the custom, I had on the local bank to these accounts, generally will pay to wait in long queues.

There was a week at a meeting of the inhabitants of the house to chat and a barbecue. These social events provided the opportunity, share gossip about real estate in general and dealing with questions of the Mexican bureaucracy, driver's licenses, immigration, vehicle registration, etc.

It took a valid 2 months was not long before we were and it was time to move on. Of course, had our housenot been sold, and we were not sure what to do next. It was an invitation from one of our children come to them to remain at Rhode Iceland, was sold to the house. We love our 4 grandchildren, but do not really want to live with them. We had not yet decided which part of Mexico, we would come for retirement

With only a few weeks ago we were sitting on the terrace to figure out what to do next with our lives, when Rachel checked our e-mail and called "Yahoo". We had justan e-mail from the website home sitting on a house sitting position in San Miguel de Allende. Three weeks later we had packed the SUV and were on their way to San Miguel for another adventure.

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