Building Teamwork: Helping Your Team responsible for the results

The end of the year in an organization is often a time of reflection and evaluation. Looking back over the decisions that I over the past 12 months, then I see them assess how they affected our business, and what I could do differently. When I think about it, I am attentive to the voice in my head that tries to make our mistakes on other people (or organizations responsible for this) in full recognition of our achievements. If I want my team to work together effectively, I haveto resist this impulse to blame or to assign credit.

I remember an incident in my life several years ago that this trend, other people, for the unfortunate events that happen in our lives emblematic fault occurred. I was in my car waiting for the green light given to a pedestrian, so that I could right on a street corner. Suddenly, a truck had run over the back of my car. It was a U.S. Post Office truck from an employee who continue to secure and away from the scene of the drivenAccident. Because these vehicles have a large number on the back, this was not such a good idea. I have this number down and followed him straight to the post where I told a supervisor what happened. The supervisor left to get the official papers. As the two of us stood there and looked at the back of my car, he actually said to me in an accusatory tone: "Well, I hope you're happy. She has just lost me my job."

I remember this situation and his remark that ifI'm trying to make someone else responsible for the consequences of my own actions. To avoid that I have found it useful to ask myself: how I contributed to this result? What I would do differently if I could do this all over? Next time, if I do face this problem, what I?

When we have teams, we can help them, this habit of personal responsibility for their role in a difficult result. The trick is, without them or us to do even the debt. We can use the foundation ofTalk about the problem or challenge with sentences like:
When I think about what has happened, I can see that I am through .... contributed
We all bear responsibility for this outcome. For example, I would like me ....
The next time we will handle this challenge, I plan to ....

And we can also help our staff and employees take responsibility for their part, by questions such as:
When I look back, how do you think you played a role?
If you could do it over again, what would you dodifferent?
What steps do you plan the next time you face this situation?

When people clear statements that show that they can take at least partial ownership of a difficult situation, we reinforce their positive behavior by statements such as:
I appreciate your ability to objectively look forward to this challenge.
I think your assessment of this situation is right on target.
I hope that you will succeed next time. These are great ideas.
Thanksfor talking about this problem so that we can work together to achieve better results.

How do we model has the property and responsibility, and we see the same level of personal responsibility demonstrated by others, we reinforce a positive cycle, that the road paving to healthy teamwork.

So what will it be? A team that is at the mercy of LUNKHEAD in other departments that? Or a team that is in its ability to meet any challenge and secure? You have a choice.

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