The Wisteria Tea House - An authentic Tea House with a past

Visitors who see beneath the surface of the Taipei World zero opening a city with the beauty business for a city that blends social life has become. An extraordinary variety of shrines, temples and other cultural relics can be found around Taipei, reveals the beliefs and history of the nation. Nightlife in Taipei is filled with the colors of neon lights and glittering always until the wee hours of the morning to eat, dance, or walking the streets. Shop for rareand exquisite works of art, electronics, antiques, luxury items, and a variety of different products in Taipei.

popular things in Taipei includes a cooking class from Jodie's Kitchen, a visit to the National Palace Museum, Taipei 101, Shihlin Market, New In Tou Hot Spring, Chiufen, Long Shan Temple, Jao I Street, Danshuei and Wisteria Tea House.

Popular with visitors not only for its aesthetic and cultural value of the Wisteria Tea House was the place ofThe film Eat, Drink, Man, he played the lead role Woman Ang Lee. It is used as a meeting place for Chou Te-wei, a group of scholars who believe in liberalism, in 1950, the owner of the teahouse to many political movements of his time. Recently, the site of convergence for the artists and political dissidents after the pro-democracy Kaohsiung incident in 1979.

With simple and elegant interior, the historic tea house, visitors can appreciate the ancient art of serviceTea. On Xinsheng S. Road, Da-an District Taipei, this is an amazing place worthy to visitors.

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