How to build a house cat

Cat houses provide hours of fun for your cat, and a warm and safe place to rest. Many different styles of houses to be acquired in the cat commercial sale, but these structures are relatively easy to build and practical. Through this project completely on your own, you can place a house or a lot of cats, and add or remove many functions as you do it without adding significant cost.

1. Purchase the following materialsfrom your local hardware store: 1-4x8 sheet 3 / 8 "plywood, 3-stud 2x4x8, 1 box of 5 / 8" wood screws and some remnants of carpet.

2. Cut your plywood in the middle, leaving two equal size 4'x4 'squares on the left, cut them in half and then each of the four pieces in half again, you should now have 8 -.. 2'x2 'equal pieces. only then the roof, floor and sides for your house cat.

3. Cut all three 2x4x8 studs in the same 2 'in length. We recommendNow, twelve 2 'sections.

4. Configure pin segments in the form of a box and secure with wood screws.

5. Fix the floor, roof, sides and rear of the frame with wood screws.

6. Cut a small opening in the front panel, large enough for the cat to go in and out easily, but not too big to leave in a draft, and then connect it to the frame.

7. Cover all carpet remains home. Attach the carpet with a stapler. Thisgives something of cat scratch and stretch its claws, instead of the furniture.

8. Put some 'bedding in the house cat like a cat ready-made bed or a warm blanket for the cat to nest on

The house cat it-yourself-Do is now complete. This house should remain as the house is in, unprotected from the rain. If you prefer to get it out, add a triangular frame at the top of the house with nails and shingles in place toallow the discharge of rain. The remains of the red carpet should not be to add water to the house cat that stays out of the carpet as an acid and begin the plywood, which makes. Even coat of water sealant can be a life be used to extend the building is useful.

A house cat must not be exaggerated or expensive to get your cat safe and warm place to sleep. Try variations on the basic plan above to add your personal touch.

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