His most famous paintings (six selected beauties of Casa Verde) - Chobunsai Eishi

"You have selected beauties of the Green House (Seir rokkasen Bijin)" is the name of a collection of paintings, graphics created by Chobunsai Eishi (1756-1829), a Japanese. Eishi interested in the "the" ukiyo-e, 'the world specializing in gender images of the conversation. Ukiyo-e genre has grown and thrived in the urban centers of Edo, Osaka and Kyoto, and took the idea of growth, young and modern Japan. The majority of "ukiyo-e style paintings represented KabukiCourtesans and geisha and sumo wrestlers, and advertisements were in the merchant class. Chobunsai Eishi but belonged to the privileged class and it was a samurai, the military nobility in pre-industrial Japan. This may have contributed Chobunsai popularity, as people in his class had supported him. He was also known for the imperial class. At one point, the Empress of Japan bought Gosakuramachi Chobunsai work entitled "Sumidagawa landscape", which was an honor for the humble "Ukiyo-e"Artists.

True to the "ukiyo-e genre, you choose beauty of the Green House" shows the six courtesans of Yoshiwara brothel. These six women are six flowers. Eishi are beauty unlike other women in the painting that does not show any emotion on their faces but they are quiet, reserved and almost immobile. There is no liquid in their poses or functions. Many critics argue that this is because Eishi was one of the samurai class and his ideal woman was a samuraia woman who did not show their true emotions in front (as in the case of a Victorian woman).

The painting "Six selected beauties of the Green House" in 1795 or in 1794, created the full length figures of women in their flowing, rich, beautiful kimono complicated. All six women are in their thoughts, is shown holding a pen in-depth, face resting on the palm of the hand, showed a different look for the scrolls Kisegawa courtesan. The fact is that these images do not look very differentEishi in painting as an illustration for the book "The Thirty-Six Immortal poets." The uniqueness of the collection is the flower leaves (one for each of the women) on the title of each painting. For example, the painting of the courtesan Kisegawa poppy flower on the scroll of the title.

In his 40 years began Eishi Chobunsai representation of the female figure to change. His women has reached extreme heights. By 1790, the artist womenexceeded those of any other contemporary painters, in their elegance and stretching. But his style soon came under heavy criticism because of the long faces of women he painted. Eishi of this criticism was that he left disappointed and went back to printmaking and painting scrolls alcove for the rich. On October 30, 1997, in London, sold by Sotheby 'Hanaogi Ogi-ya "by the Open House (Seir rokkasen Bijin" selected six of the beauties), "Japan's great importance asPrints. "

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