How to choose a flat screen TV?

Modern technology allows companies to produce exceptional entertainment system including flat-screen television. In other words, gone are the days when television units occupied space big and heavy, they themselves carry around or simply go to the house. In fact, today, when a flat screen TV in your house or your TV is one of the most subtle are cooler in the eyes of all, who knows.

However, when it comes to flat screen TVYou need to make sure you follow a few things to make the most of your money. Then, taking into account factors TV purchase, you can buy the set coolest entertainment.

Screen Size - Sure, most people would initially be the size of a TV before buying one. In fact, it is a crucial factor in addition to price and quality of the resolution. You must also be aware that the flat-screen TVs require different distance fromWall, where it was installed or placed. LCD usually takes about 10 -16 feet from the wall, which is important to ensure that the TV will last longer.

The image quality - the resolution or the TV picture is much better than watching the program or enjoy movies that you are. Remember, the higher the pixel TV is more likely that there will be a good movie with your family have. The standard resolution of 720x480 or 640x480 for the transmission are on the roadPrograms and 480i, 720p, 480p and 1080i digital.

Connection - The most flat-screen televisions has several plugs today, not only for the player in the film, but also for the PC and console games too. It 'important that you have a TV entertainment you choose could be the key to everything. In the old days, the best analog connections are used more often. Now, HDMI connections of the best today and the standard in mostTVS.

Audio - TVs in all the images are important, but the sound is also an important element that should not be left unconsidered. After all, the pleasure may be the experience, if a TV has a house feel like everything could be in a movie. Thus, all televisions with surround sound is now a big, because it provides a realistic sound without speakers ever.

Flat screen TV with Spatializer, SRS, Dolby Pro Logic Cyclone logos and six sub-bassshould be aware of when buying a TV.

Additional Features - The television, which also has a PIP function, or one that has allowed a double in TV is now a popular buy. Readers of memory are also other add-ons that can not be ignored, as you can simply take your camera or camcorder to print, or view photos.

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