A connection between Jupiter, the fifth house and children

Survival and reproduction are the two fundamental characteristics of living things. In a chart, the fifth house, its lord and Jupiter means to represent his children. One aspect of Jupiter in the fifth house and fifth house Lord makes a man blessed in this regard. For a Leo ascendant lord Jupiter is the fifth house. I have a friend of Leo Ascendant, the lord of fifth house, Jupiter (Sagittarius) is in sixth house in the signCapricorn. This is a very bad position for Jupiter. From the sixth (illness, debt), eighth (death, barriers) and XII (waste, expense, detention) are called the three evil. The presence of Jupiter in the sixth is bad, that even in Capricorn makes it doubly unfortunate. As the fifth means to make this position a triple whammy from the perspective of children. This my friend is no way out even now in the 50th examination of his semen,it was found that his sperm are weeks and their number is significantly less than the number required. However, he has an adopted daughter.

In an apparently similar case, sixth Jupiter in Capricorn, I predicted the birth of a child for a native. Reason: its retrograde Jupiter, after Uttarkalamrita Kalidasa classic, is a retrograde planet in their case, equivalent in force, its presence as a sign of growth. Secondly, its presence in the second house of Sagittarius wasgood.

In another horoscope Virgo ascendant, the lord of the seventh house and Jupiter in the fifth house fall quarter filed with the sign of Capricorn, its. This man also had a moon afflicted Rahu in the second home. Locks a few exceptions, is bad for the planet means to be present in a house, it happened. This person has all three houses, each of which represents a second friendly family home, children fifth, seventh and women aredirty. The first man's wife and his second wife and their seven or eight children died one after another. Therefore, he was) in the affairs of luck woman (seventh house indicated, children (fifth house show) and family details (second home).

In this context, note that a native of Mars Capricorn (the sign of the increase) in the fifth house is in the woman's three children. And Saturn in Aquarius (then home) inScheme of a wife are five children, especially when Saturn is in aspect with Jupiter.

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