The entertainment room in your home

If we're talking about the "Entertainment Space mean a large LCD, Home Theatre, Playstation, large surround sound speakers. But for a real effect of these things to your room to be well prepared and stored. Here I want to tell the impact of the planning of your have better entertainment room.

The things you should consider when you design your entertainment room:

1) Walls:

It 's very important to create an atmosphere in the vicinitya movie theater in home theater room, which means that you need room to be dark. If you notice, most of the walls in the room painted black, the screen is to prevent the reflection from the TV, although not everyone may know the use of dark colors on the inside of the house. In this case we have a little 'tents black can be drawn quickly through the walls if necessary. In addition, the walls have a certain degree of protection against noise. This is very important.


Quiet and easy to clean would be ideal. If the soil is already cooked, you can use to bring in a carpet in the dark as cinemas. This is not only a hot item in the room but also helps muffle the sound, when people move through space. darker tones are also easier to manage than to help hide stains and dirt.

3) Lighting Fixtures:

to fully utilize the various types of lights to create a distinct aurain your home theater room. dim lights or indirect help in various neon colors, an element of surrealism, add the room. It could also be recessed lights, small lights in round wells located on the ceiling opt. Integrating the ceiling with wall mount for extra lighting.

4) Equipment:

You will also need to pay attention to the right type of furniture for the home theater room. Can not be normal and tablesChairs. They have special theater seats that are normally placed with a high back, adjustable padded chairs. Leather and suede are preferred materials for the chairs. You can use the chairs in some unusual colors of a certain style. Different colors burgundy or forest green, compared to a typical black or brown. You could also have a plush sofa or two or more style deck chair with a couple of sacks of beans.

5) Accessories:

To see the room more funAccessorize with movie-related souvenirs. DVD of movie posters and documents or instruments. For a home-and-effect art can be a wall of original memory in the room, such as framed pictures of your favorite actors and musicians.

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