Exposing the Mystery - The 12th House horoscope

I recently saw the house online articles on astrology with various different approaches to the reading of 12 degrees. Some of these items were pretty good, but some left me wondering whether the general principles of the house, 12 are fully understood. It really is not one of the homes easier to understand and read. This article returns to basics, the foundations of 12 houses, and all the comments, the system is based on Placido Tropical. First of all, what areastrological houses?

The sky is full of stars in the most surprising distances from each other and the earth, but over the centuries, we have an "as above, so below" create series of articles. We study the patterns of heaven and their general impact on our earth and its inhabitants, the energies in signs and aspects. This is the part on "astrology. What about the "so low" part of the process? My description begins with the fact that if in the field ofselected effect, our local physical space and our lives, so we have our physical interpretation. Like a planet in the solar system, we are within these bodies that we see are mentioned, but because this is our common ground, there are among the stars. This foundation is the physical reality of our earthly experience. cosmic energies are bombarded constantly influence us and affect us, and sometimes become infected, the physical proximity of the physical world. The first lesson shouldis that the houses have to do with our physical reality.

If you look at any standard chart of the entire sky in its proper circular pattern is generally set to form around the outside of the wheel. We have an arbitrary point of departure, the ascendant, but it's a full circle of 360 degrees. What is not easy to see that the center of this pie chart contains the earth itself. Let me repeat. Earth and its inhabitants are at the center of each graph. You're in the middlegraph and the point to you individually, the Ascendant represents. The experiment, all human experience is simply a bite to study hard so we have to break the experience on smaller steps to reach understanding. Image is everything you and your experience. The divisions that we use to create pockets of course the houses, the arenas are the physical reality and experience.

We use the number 12 for the houses as there are 12 characters. Our wheel is 36012 degrees and conveniently divides evenly into the series. Equal House chart reflects this same segments of 30 degrees. Have you ever noticed that life will never be the same? If you add the dimensions of latitude and longitude, date and time, the houses change in the size and scope of what was once the same is not the same. For me, unlike the reality. There are many ways to measure scientific mathematical, spatial distribution, but this is far too great for thisArticle. I chose the Placidus house system because it works for me.

Just to paint a clear picture of the expected date for the wider impact of a chart. Date of birth and refined to a certain extent, but the longitude and latitude, which is refined for the staff. There are two objects have the same space at the same time taking, so that each voting scheme must be different, sometimes slightly different than in the case of multiple births. When you add days to the place of birth (longitudeand longitude), there appears a single card, a room for the area is at some point in time, individual. The area is clearly defined and the increases (case) of this special place at this time were created for that table.

The 12 steps starting with the bottom and go counterclockwise around the figure, a circle of 360 degrees to travel back the ascendancy. Why counter-clockwise? This is because the characters and their natural motion can be measuredClockwise (seen only in each graph) and the earth rotates one revolution every day, every degree of the zodiac to get to all points of graphs possible every day. As the Earth rotates on its axis, the point of the zodiac, the emergence of forward movement is meant in the sense (clockwise), while the Earth rotates on its axis (the opposite direction to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise). As you progress in the growth of the event, the balance of your Ascendant and houses that move progress Ascendingforward in the zodiac and changes your entire view of graphics. The experience, grow and be, and it is) reflected in your changing signs and devices (as above) and your system (so low.

There is a natural, predictable for your growth and progress. It begins as a helpless infant gradually come into being with others and experience across the entire spectrum of human activity before reaching old age and the end of their useful life. If you I am a believer in continuing education awareness, we must also mark each end a new beginning, hopefully in a much higher turn of the spiral of life. The houses reflect the growth and progress of the series. You would do well to study the hemispheres and also places the 6th/12th house axis and the distribution of the common home life, wealth, association and abstract to deepen their understanding of the houses. I will be using these concepts in future articles.

The first> At home I / me. The second house is mine. The third house is my environment and my community, (I am, I want, I say they do). Who do you communicate? The fourth house brings the whole family. We hope that at home grow in grace and talent in the fifth. You learn, you do not free ride home in 6th. They develop social skills in the 7th house. The mine is the second house, or is it for you our home in eighth. outdoors and promote communication in the ninth house, make it or break into the house 10 degrees. your rewards or lack of them grow in the 11th house and relax in the 12th house, as we prepare for the change cycle imminent. View the natural result? Not all segments are equal to or slightly tough, rewarding, frustrating, or adjective that you choose for each segment.

This article is about 12> House as one of the least understood segments. Each of those who are considered the natural "water" homes, the 4th, 8th and 12th are naturally of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and the watermark is not included. They are called "abstract" case ordered. Now we get to the heart, who simply do not understand or read. Only part of the fourth house is confused. We understand home, hearth, family and roots, but is ending as an abstract concept that we are fighting.Eighth part of the house contains easily understood categories of debt, such as death, taxes, insurance, financial and common. Words like disaster, fate or destiny versus free will is abstract enough to be confusing. The closest I can say, Home 12 ° does not contain the concepts in simple and understandable, it is just full of abstract concepts, double the confusion. One thing is certain, the three houses abstract just like the case of natural water which are not so easilyestablish that most other homes.

If I am teaching, I use a keyword approach to create mental hook for the beginning student. The approach "cookbook" is often frowned upon by astrologers, but I think there is a jump start, the large amount of information that a student just learning astrology, to get started. I see that it is a temporary support, after discarding its purpose can be achieved or sustained, as it was just a starting point for your search does not Readings. I teach three specific storage hook for the 12 th house.

12th Joint house references are self-destruction, self-sabotage, karmic, spiritual and hidden, why? Not a single house is totally good or totally bad, and I can not see the concepts of beauty in this list. In reading the 12th for a new customer, I say strange, "In every life a little 'rain, it's time", then talk to them about their faults, because it is largely how I see this energy. When his 12 th> House is really hard, you might say, "The house is 12 ° as me in the foot." Make it in person instead of someone else the villain in this story. This makes it easier to swallow what you have to tell them.

I would like to do a simple exercise that my students. Place an open hand a few inches from your face and then circle around to the back of the head. At first, you can cancel your hand and then you lose directlyVista? You know your hand is there, but you can not see. If your hand behind your face (Asc) on the back of the head (behind the highest), you can not see the area or questions. The house is 12 then your blind spot. You need to see another pair of eyes, what you do not see for yourself, a friend, a counselor, someone in his own darkness peer potential. That's how you sabotage. We do not see how we can abuse misapply12th or internal energy.The sign on the threshold of the house and planets give us clues to our blind spot. Hidden just means that it is not easily accessible or understood or private, has nothing to media or present.

As I said the sequencing of the houses. Use the information to organize the flow of sequencing or stages of life. What are you working on this life in balance? Look at the house 12 degrees. Moreover, there is another way to use the sequence. The 12th might bewhat has been represented in experience, with the physical birth of the ascending aorta. This could be two hours before birth, the first embodiment or the first experience of debts and credits for our spiritual savings account, the potential of past lives, karmic consequences. This is a form of karmic reading. A child born with a left side (hard power) planets in the 12th house, but near the Rising would have lived the trauma of birth, before birth. Reading can be so simpleas a special act and still be valid, but perhaps abruptly absolutely valid.

My third theme is that our so-called second breath. If we are all accustomed to, we knew we realize that we spent at our disposal all our time, experience and energy and are exhausted by the effort must be some reach into ourselves and discover a new source of the draw. In the West we call it our second breath. I think if you go back into itself and for the qualityPowers that do not even realize he had available to take home 12, a sort of back-drop position. ¨ ° Acidity ACID

If you look at each house 12 degrees, my three immediate issues to be explored are:

the source or reason for the same fatal, what we sabotage our ignorance of its existence, hidden, unconscious, invisible;
The sequence in all its forms: the natural sequence of the houses, the past refers to thisexperience immediately before birth, or possibly earlier, karma and rebirth, and is ending a life cycle that is going to benefit from the new cycle;
the second breath, a source of strength and endurance, which are found occasionally in our fallback position.

I covered all the descriptions originally given with the exception of mental health. I will take this ball, but this is a topic that gets plenty of work and must be treatedrace. If you are a spiritual counselor trained your limitations are respected, but you learn from your charts. It can provide diagnosis and prescription for a professional qualification. have done over the years, I have many unusual graphics, taught me much about the 6th/12th axis. For example, I have the graphs of some psychologists and their patients for several years. I noticed that the axis has been involved 6th/12th always strong for me this was the psychological axis. I also studiedGraphs of more than 100 serial killers in the last three years. The 6th/12th axis is heavily involved in their activities horrible. This does not mean that a strong 6th/12th axis or is deficient or a serial killer, but I think that emphasizes the psychological implications. Put this in mind, looking through countless charts and learn before I believe a statement entitled.

I hope you have a better understanding of homes in developed countriesGeneral home and 12th in particular. As I said before, not a house is good or bad, in the end, everyone is a mix of experience. Those houses that are not so easy to understand and a little effort and practice, but are definitely worth the effort. 12 The house is our house of secrets, mysteries, but they had studied to be explored and resolved.

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