The houses in astrology - 12 Home

The 12 th house shows your strengths and weaknesses hidden or unknown. It shows the pain, suffering, disabilities, disability, secrets and secretions. The places of birth are here, as shown in prisons (and where is our biggest prison?), Institutions (hospitals, etc.) all the places where you have been hidden (hospices, nursing homes, etc..) Positive note, there are ashrams, retreats, wherever we can be alone and work out the mysteries of life ...

Now ask yourself, "WhereI'm holding back "and look for clues to the 12th more often than you might imagine House 12 (there is sovereign and planets) can be used to specify a" fear "of success and fear of failure! Transit or progression 12. bring to the surface things that have swept under the carpet, or put in the basket too heavy. bring 'skeletons in the closet and give you an indication of your "guardian angel (s) ...

Sooner or later we all must faceThe things we fear or dwell on, no matter how trivial they may seem. Sooner or later those things that we have ignored or not recognized the depth (abyss) surface. When we confront our phobias, fears and neurotic tendencies and dislikes, our instincts and disappointments, we are free for the 12th House holds the key to the future, as is the key to the past. When we confront "face" or our fears, we discover our inner strength, if anything with theseeffective is another question we form the habits and behavior patterns of many life-time "can be built very difficult to break.

When the house of the subconscious, the house of accumulated emotional experience (for want of a better word, the house of Karma), be careful, we are imbued with automated responses, pleasure or avoid pain explores techniques (alcohol or drugs) . Taking into account the residues (memories of a previous existence) ofemotional experiences can make to self-pity and make excuses, rather than on daily life. We all know that sometimes we are our own worst enemy, as at 12 look and find out where "you in the foot." With a taste of fish (Pisces rules the feet), you may occasionally "bite his tongue" during the shoot from the hip. This is the house of the victims and their world better for us in the victim's voluntary and not forcedpermanent victim ...

Hidden in the 12th are the secrets of our help, our strengths and our vision for a better future. Interestingly, those who have helped or hindered in the past (in another life) of a surface in the 12th to remember, as we who have hurt and harmed by which we gain in recent years, we are also those who have helped and those who helped us in the past. To say the 12 th house is the most complex of all would be aUnderstatement ...

As the house defeats and disappointments, we should also find out where we have set limits or restrictions, because otherwise we have a number of our borders, no! The 12th House asks that you let go of any past addictions, and a commitment to the future, although it may lead to any clear sign of what the future might bring. Remember, in this way, 12 is the first house of 1 (Your birthday), so compare that to theUterus, attached or under the water in the universe waiting for his "birth" and a cut with the universal consciousness. It 'scary, but to be alive you survived now live up to you. Living in the Light in the Darkness ...

Speaking of prisons there think so, no one is paying in prison for their crimes, they are captured for the payment! Not everyone is in the hospital because there are sick! Not everyone in an institution, is because they are mentally unstable orDangerous! And not everyone who comes into an ashram, monastery retreat in search of enlightenment!

That's all folks, we have 12 houses of astrology, we will explain now watch the building blocks of numerology. Stay tuned for my next series of articles

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