The transit of Pluto and the economy of America

In the horoscope of the United States, now Pluto in Capricorn ruler Normals move through the second house of money, the economy, the flow of the same, etc,. Pluto rules of transformational change, as they can not be predicted and even if it could never be stopped. Pluto rules of total collapse, but not for the sake of something other than the need to rebuild, re-set or re-build a better substitute positive and healthy. Yes, in the range of itsThe money and business.

The second house, even rules about what you value, as money has a value and things that we value ourselves, Pluto in "auto correct" position, the two "from" or "take away". What really make informed (Pluto will ensure that), and what value do not deserve / to be taken away. It's actually very simple. Pluto is now a chance to "let go". You can play against them all I think you need to fight, but at the end of the universe, ultimatelyRAW choose energy forces "for" or "against". No middle.

Our President (bless his heart with his selfless Neptune conjunct his natal Sun), always says: "We save our economy from near collapse." This is good news. The bad news is "we have just begun." Pluto transits are very slow and, eventually, COMPLETE, in the highest sense of the word. It 's like the journey of a small pebble thrown into a pond. The more one is from the point of impact, the mostdisseminate models actioin energy. Pluto is with us in a long, slow walk. At the end you feel completely exhausted, only to get up and go that extra mile in most (though it may be in another life!).

Pluto rules the underworld ... means "black tide" Some Kinda bell ring here? Think of the impact ... Pluto also rules "the wars and destruction. Having in mind is that the highest and final stage (what we do best, how do ...), the ability to Pluto, Restore,Re-make, Re-sume, and all the other "King", you can imagine. Think RE-switch when it comes to business and government, including banks. Yes, the rules of Pluto, the banks and corporations.

The transit of Pluto that country is currently in the second house, we continue to fill more than this chart position for another decade. A word to the wise to consolidate and come up with as little as possible (but not warehousing), because Pluto will reflect the quality of Alchemyliquefaction and change. Get ready!

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