Combinations proclamation of the birth a woman of exceptional beauty in Aquarius Ascendant

For a girl with Aquarius as a sign up, like his predecessor, Capricorn, Venus Yogakaraka excellent result that showers can be given a chance, or even the slightest chance. In this case the property in the fourth corner and TRINAL ninth house. Because his relationship with the Lagna Lord Saturn is essential for a girl this influence, for example, when Saturn, Venus in the twelfth house media with Capricorn, she strengthenothers because they are both a heart and friends. In this context, the beauty of Venus, the ruler of the Ascendant is transferred to Saturn.

Saturn is the significant twelfth house, except his Lord for this bottom-up, while the position of Venus in the twelfth, even its full seventh aspect of the sixth house is on a break or to give the awards, although not essential. This girl is very beautiful, of course, when Mercury is rising and the sun isthe second house in Pisces, the pursuit of ram from the sublime to the next character. In addition, full aspect of Jupiter in the first house of the fifth house (with the sign of Gemini), a step away from the excitement will surely make this combine entertainment and beauty industry a success out of it.

In another combination, when in the eleventh house Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo in the seventh house fullthird appearance with exalted Sun (in Aries) through the ninth aspect, along with the Ascendant (seventh appearance) and Saturn (fifth dimension). This three-way point rise in the ascendant lord and most important the Ascendant (the sun), will increase the chances that the girl huge. If the Second House of Venus in fish enthusiasm, the birth of the exceptionally beautiful girl is then expected.

The presence of the full moon in fourth house of Taurus, in the enthusiasm with whichSun and Mercury, and in the tenth house, here are the sun and the moon have the force executive and the sun was completely cleaned up, resulting from its housing in the balance. If Saturn is in equilibrium (in excitement) and Venus (House), receiving the full aspect of Jupiter placed on the rise, so this beauty, uncrowned sovereign people of the heart.

Presence of the Sun in the eleventh house and that of Mercury in the twelfth, with Saturnand Venus on the rise, plus the moon and Jupiter in the second house, in its own sign of Pisces, also a nice alignment of forces, the emergence of a more beautiful girl in ascending Aquarium.

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