Gusoyn: Demon in prison [and notes: Demons in]

# 8, "Cadaverous Planets"





[Part two]

The paintings most often in his eight square meters of cells in the prison house of the demon behind the dark side of the earth to the moon was over Gusoyn, or as many as a demon felt for some time, probably, but he was a faithful, a bit 'crazy, to times but it was his nervous character and charm that made him so fanatical, as if a group of bees in the back legs werePocket.

On the other side of the coin, was an elf thoughtful to say the least, with long blond hair, nice build, but only about seven feet tall, you might say short of a demon. And a little 'cramped in his small cell, but it was a big demon, he should complain more. In every sense, was sent to serve his time, and that was what he did, [?], Who found a way to pray, and demons were not for prayer, they could feel good

There wasInput cell, shoulders touching the sides, hitting the back seat, could not sit comfortably, knees would hit the door. There was a window above him, but what you could see the dark side of the moon, but dark. Despite his allegiance to the devil, the devil, Lucifer, was Agaliarept contracts [Agaliarept a general in hell, and the main enforcer of Lucifer in hell] have locked Gusoyn teach him a lesson. Gusoyn with a close friend of Buer andHopefully he learned his lesson so you can join him again in hell for duties on large walls, after that, and it was a light sentence of 25 years since. This, of course, it was time Gusoyn enough to think of his impertinence, especially following orders. If he had not disobeyed an order, have not taken place, of course, never. But what was done could be of interest taken, in an interesting position because it is then run in the Galapagos, letto explain:

The Archbishop of Brugee Gusoyn little gadget was that he happened to be in the wrong place, perhaps in the right place at the time Gusoyn stakeholders involved. And why try to harm the Archbishop, where two friends demonic Gusoyn in the Gulf, have the good people of Brugee. And consequently, since the loss of the two demons came because of his negligence, an inconvenience for the staff Agaliarept Hades. And ifLucifer got wind of this, he was very upset to say:

"Every demon is worth a hundred times its weight in gold, he had to say.

And so Satan or Lucifer, or the enemy as you want: the prison to break his mind felt neglected, but did not want him completely broke, he liked the cheek to a certain extent, and his arrogance all the more, but stupid things he can not or would not leave the first time, and that was not his first timefar:

"This," he said, "was what we teach people to make the case, but not to follow us."

The most trying Agaliarept had to digest, and could not, and then informed the Executioner, was Satan who was an abbot in a Gusoyn Abby, yes, an abbot, I say to seduce. This in itself was not bad, but as he did was a bit 'distracted and had warned him Agaliarept are other people who do the dirty work.

It 'was "simple", Agaliarept would say, "is a step in a personShoes and teaches them how to walk, but that should not take the step is made in their shoes and work for them, oh no, stupid. "

And of course Gusoyn have all had the experience of living.

But what I was: Gusoyn received a prostitute (in place of a virgin Agaliarept would have liked better), he got drunk after materialized Fella beautiful blonde, and then entered his body, and interwoven with his character, andintoxicated her, her dress like a nun and tried, the abbot in a sexual encounter was calling. In the process, what can happen, has happened [Murphy's Law came into force]. If you have not guessed yet here it is: the archbishop came to Abby, visit the abbot of middle age and to see to know the nun and the prostitute, and cursed the demon inside him said that he would throw the well, should not Fast out of it. Now he has just that and came out of his mouth for blasphemytwenty minutes.

And now, it was now paying the price of manure, this has led to work with their heads to be more involved, as necessary, and do not get much, so he serves his time in jail for Demon. It 'been blown for a long time, only sadness in his cell, pale as can a saint, the corpse of wax in this cell, just screaming and vomiting at all, hissing like a snake, for months, a gloomy cell, it is thick cobwebsThat seemed to have his way.

On the third month in the second year, the man with weapons came and gave him a message:

"From Agaliarept, Mr. Gusoyn, he says, if you learned the lesson and do well in an assignment in the Galapagos, he would be willing to release you from this place in bad taste, but no place in the next test, because the negligence, they will not serve only the remainder of the years subsequent to this depression, but will be added over the years, another fiftyStay in your 23-years. "

The man-in-arm, holding the keys of his cell, as if waiting for an answer, it was pushed aside by Gusoyn as she grabbed the keys that open the door;

"Yaw, yaw, yaw rate, agree, agree, now, that way out of this hole?"

Demons Notes: For the sake of clarity, and because many of my saved, the demons are similar, I believe that demons are perhaps misunderstood his spirit as a whole. At a time when the ancient gods demons. They form layers on the Earth Spiritwith certain powers to bewitch people. And it's clear enough to do the same to foreigners. Are unpredictable thought a magic Ting, more exciting, and in the vicinity. These are the sprits supernatural, a separate species, they have boundless energy, can change shape, some of them, and prefer, or how dark. And they are everywhere, I've seen a few. Some have access to the holy land, they can safeguard measures, I have several archaeological sites throughout the world and they are the custodians,take care of them. I spoke with them and told them that I was not there for the damage or disturbance of the ecological balance of their cause, for then were a bit 'naughty. They like forests, deserts, believe, water and mountains, and again, archaeological sites, I (a spirit that was discussed recently in Copan I spoke in the Mesa Verde, with me, and I tell you in the mist of the three , entertain a spirit called the lake, de Paca over the mountains of Peru.

In this previous storythe demon is the essence of the devil, in the infinite repertoire of roles. Can be obsessive, outrageous, sowing chaos and emotions. You will see desire in desire, and have no diverter valve. There is no word of that moderation with them, and what we might call a wild species, because it would be appropriate. They have the ability to reason, love and compassion, so expect no reason because they know they are doomed to failure. The demons are like animals driven by instinct, not reason. I smelled, seen asPeeking in the windows, and avoid as much as possible, I also saw them hidden in pictures.

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