House of Charles Francois Daubigny Bazot Mere

The painting by Charles Francois Daubigny peaceful sunset Barbizon is a beautiful picture. Daubigny are greatest strength is the sky and what is good here in beautiful paintings shown.

This painting, which is in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago is a great example of working Daubigny only plays the Chicago secondary, even if they are not good to measure up to this truly great masters.

The scene before us is the Lord's houseBazot, an entire village in the French countryside. Almost two thirds of the images is below the horizon line. The sun is almost down, so as to leave little light on the bottom of the painting. However, there is much to see, even with the soft light, beautiful home, home on the sly in the campaign, the fencing of the road, and trees on the right colored des

Even if the house is the anchor image in the bottom of the image of the realThe main goal is heaven. The sky is well done and the best of Daubigny, because no other teacher of Barbizon as he is able to sustain life in the clouds that loom over the country and bring peace to bring to the scene. If you look closely, you'll see that the sky is darker at the top right of the painting, much the same way as that of Corot. What distinguishes Daubigny well as all the others are its clouds and its ability to use them to light-generating reaction of the agents aresetting sunlight.

Watch the clouds! What are you doing here Daubigny atmosphere and then uses the rays of sunlight to reflect back to the spectators with the light in different shades. You can see that the clouds are on the left side of the painting of the sun fading, because most of the light (not at any time you can actually see the sun) have, in the center there is another cloud, however, that not so bright and there are more subdued in toneCloud. On the right side of the air in the atmosphere so that no heat loss. All you see on the horizon and the glow of the sun in the middle or a red / pink clay comes to you on the right is the landscape below the horizon is even darker because of the strong contrast of light from the sun.

This painting is seen working on her use of light and hits the sky. The landscape behind the horizon is not his best work.

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