Sewing Pattern Symbols - What On Earth Do They Mean?

The symbols marked on the paper pattern pieces, they look to some of us, as they are written in a foreign language and can be somewhat confusing.

Let me explain in simple terms, means that the most common symbols on the paper pattern.

Cutting Line. This is on the edge of each pattern piece, and has often found a symbol for a pair of scissors. Cut each sheet of paper pattern for your clothing from the large sheets of paper. Use paper, scissors, not yourgood material shears. Paper can blunt scissors quickly.

Stitching Line. This is to insert the line along the accession of fabric together

Seam allowance. This is the width of the fabric between the stitching line and the edge of the fabric or cover the cut line. The normal is 1.5 cm or 5/8in seam allowance, but check your pattern seam before stitching.

Directional Sewing. The seams line is marked with smallArrows show you what sting example manner. Always stitch the skirt side seams from waist to hem, the fabric is better to sit and have a professional look.

Grain line. This is a straight line with an arrow at one or both ends.

The strong warp or parallel to the selvage. The bar is the woven edge of the fabric.

The weaker or weft threads run from selvage to selvage.

The arrows on both ends of the corn row must be the same distancefold from the groin or.

Many a garment has been sewn and "not sit straight, because the seeds are lines of" Off Center ".
There are also grain lines on the flap on the bias (45o) and the weft threads.

Darts and Dart Sewing Line Fold Line. Darts are a professional fabric sewn tapered and are used to form the garment to fit the curves of the body. Fold the arrow on the fold line and sew along the Dart Dart sewing and pressing. Rock PressDarts and shoulder toward the center and chest and elbows down arrows.

Notches. Notches are diamonds along a seam line is and will be used to fit seams together, for example. Accession to the center seam together. The notches are cut in a diamond shape from the seam line.

Pattern Piece Name. Displays the names of each pattern piece. Please get into the habit of the pattern pieces to the top names, like the pattern on the pinSubstance.

The Number. This points out how many pieces cut out, for example. 2nd Cut Sleeve

Trim and lines. These lines show the position and cut the pattern pieces.

Gathering Lines. These are usually broken lines begin and end with a notch. Gather between the notches.

Buttonhole positions. These are the markings on the buttonholes sew. Try to always check on first garmentthe buttonholes positions are in the right place for you. Some of us like it a little lower or higher.

If you have cut the pattern and removed from the fabric, always fold it back to the point and place in the envelope. Bring a piece of fabric of the garment on the envelope so in the coming months you will always know what pattern you used for what guise. Marks Place neatly in a box, they are expensive to buy and we can be used over and over again.

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