Vacation ideas - the Paul Revere House in Boston, Massachusetts

The Paul Revere House is at 19 North Square, Boston, Massachusetts, with one phone number is 617-523-2338

Opening times:

o 15 April to 31 October: 9:30 to 5:15 pm

o November 1-April 14: 9:30 to 4:15 pm

Closed on Mondays in January, February and March
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year

There are no public restrooms or telephone on the website.

Admission (as of March 2008):

o Adult$ 3.00

o Seniors / Students $ 2.50

o Children (ages 5-17) $ 1.00

Paul Revere was born in North End, Boston in 1734. He was the son of Apollos Rivoire, a French Huguenot immigrants, and Deborah Hichborn. Apollos Rivoire changed its name to "Revere" to immigration. Paul Revere was the second of at least 9 children, perhaps 12 children and the eldest surviving son.

Paul Revere is most famous for the Midnight Ride, 18 April 1775 and hisWarning against "the British coming." On the way to Lexington, Revere "alarmed" the country-side, stopping at every house, and arrived in Lexington at midnight.

The Paul Revere House was built in 1680 in Boston, Massachusetts and is now a national historic landmark. It is downtown Boston's oldest building and one of the few remaining from an early epoch in the history of colonial America. The Paul Revere House opened its doors to the public in April1908th It was one of the earliest museums, historic buildings in the United States. The club continues to supervise the maintenance and day to day operations of this national treasure.

This restored house has removed its third story front extension, which creates a resemblance to his late seventeenth century appearance. The largest part of the structure is original. That 's house heavy beams, large fireplaces, and the lack of internal gears are reminiscent of colonial livingAgreements. Upstairs there are two rooms with period furniture from the possession of the Revere family.

The farm has a 900-pound bell, a small mortar and a bolt from the USS Constitution, made by Paul Revere and Sons.

The Paul Revere House tours on your own and illustrated text panels and museum interpreters added.

Special Events

The Paul Revere House is his 100th Birthday celebration, like a museum for the 18th and 19 April,2008. For one day only on 18 April 2008, visitors will pay the original ticket per person. There will be a Revere House birthday cake, festive music, and you are presented an opportunity that Revere descendants' needs (as stored by the local actors), the destruction of the house before. Visit the Paul Revere House website for a complete list of activities.

Source: Paul Revere House Online

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