The truth about secrets of the Bible Being is hidden from you

Let me start at the very beginning. The man was in the Garden of Eden. He could do what he wanted to do, with one exception. He must not eat from the tree of knowledge. That was a command of God.

Eve was tempted by an evil serpent, to obey God, then it is satisfied, Adam the fruit of the tree of knowledge, God forbid do not eat them.

Adam ate the apple. She was suddenly aware of their nakedness. God knows, because God askedAdam, why he was hiding, Adam replied: "I was ashamed to be naked." At this point, God knew that he did not obey him, and ate from the tree of knowledge, which God forbid him to do. This is what the Bible says.

At this point I have two questions. Obviously, the apple was something else symbolic. There is nothing wrong with eating an apple. My first question is "What is the apple symbolize?" In other words: "What's really turned deed?" My second question is: "What was the knowledge thatGod forbid? "

The Bible does not answer, or even address these issues. I know that some of you may be the answer to the question of knowledge say that every man would acquire the same knowledge that God. But this was the serpent who is the devil and the devil is a liar specified. This does not answer this question for me.

O. k. Now you can jump in front of the seventeenth century. It was designated a French philosopher René Descartes. He is referred to as theFather of modern philosophy. He reached a point in his life where he had great doubts. He doubted even his own existence. He felt that he was only a figment of some imagination could be the ones. Then he realized one thing. Infidel was going on. He recognized, doubt was a thinking process. He knew that he was to think in the situation. He is known for the quote "I think therefore I am" known. He had to be sure of things to believe.

Now, Rene Descartes, confronted his belief in the existence ofGod. He was a Catholic and he attended the Catholic Church. He was told many things about God from the Catholic Church. He wanted to know where these doctrines came from, and by whom the authority. The Catholic Church told him they had the Holy Scriptures, which were in sacred places. Rene Descartes, they wanted to test for themselves, interpret, and to think for themselves. The church told him that was impossible, because only certain anointed religious leaders, were allowed to go to a highand then show sacred documents.

Now accept, not Descartes. He said if he could not see for himself, he could not believe that their teachings. He was banished from France. In 1663 the pope put all his great works on the Index of Forbidden Books.

Why were they hiding the doctrine of God. This reminds me of a quote that Jesus, "Woe to the Pharisees, for they sleep like a dog in the manger of oxen are, for neither he will not eat, he let the oxen eat ... "

God's word is like a light to lead men to keep him from stumbling in the dark. Jesus said. "If you have a lamp that lights up, place it under the table and cover it, or you have it on the table so everyone can see the light.?"

Jesus also said: "Where light is, there is no darkness."

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