The House That Built Feng Shui

Building a house is an exciting time. It gives you the opportunity to create all what you want in a living space. But if you're a new home and a good feng shui, where your priorities are? Should the house or if you plan to place the room? The game or the style of the house? This will help you get started ...

Start at the ground first

The lot, which is build so important that you spend so much time was to find the right place, as you buildnot about the details of the plan. Why? Well, in Feng Shui, the environment-Chi is the most important influencer of Feng Shui of major home - by far, than a place where you WINDCHIME or the kitchen. Find this reason, the time is just the right spot so important.

In short, if you have house plan the "perfect Feng Shui", it all goes to waste if you have a grave mistake with your lot. Defects such as a hill, which falls on the back, is one of these errors. Or, ifThey have a road that is a T-junction with your house is, you never know what's going on for you (both in Feng Shui, literally "hit"). A woman I know, woke up with a car in her bedroom with one of these rules, and the family has always been to avoid a problem after another.

Ideally, you should check with a slight increase on the back, a gentle slope on the left side have a lot of (how to) from the house, and an open area in front. This is called the position and chairdenotes the best position. Take some time to build the right amount, it is an important decision.

Get a regular plan

The selection of a favorable and harmonious plan 2 build step in your quest for the perfect house. House Plans this feature odd shapes, like the Z, T, U, and H's are difficult. A fairly square or rectangular plan is the best bet. Of course, a perfect square a perfect hole, but make sure to not miss important angles, and try to make yourhome as regularly as possible. To avoid much as possible to that at home, floor plans big holes or gaps, such as the center courts have, as you will be missing very important to health, wealth, and the ratio of energy. Twice as high if you plant here.

Use the Five Element Theory

The five elements are an important part of feng shui, it's worth the time to notice. The reason they are so important that they know how the work will help aharmonious home. For example, if your house is facing towards the Earth (southwest or northeast), with a stone or brick facade house is an excellent way to harmonize your home.

Or maybe your house to the west or northwest. Again, a stone house features would be advantageous, because in the northwest and west (metal directions) are made of earth. If your house is to the north, the element (water), under which is a house with metal trim and iron is an excellent idea, because metal makes water.This is just one of the uses of five element theory, but it is important to consider when you build a house.

Likewise, if your house is facing towards the Earth (SW, NE), you do not want a heavy wood element, like a log style home because they cause little vitality to all in the house. Harmonize your home by being connected to the elements with the direction of your house will face, or on elements that "make" at home facing element, ie, aWooden house for a house to the south (East-wood fire feeds / south).

Use personal feng shui

One of the biggest things you can do is the personal feng shui use to optimize the energy of your house. For example, if according to your kua number, your success in the southwest direction, then you put your home office, bedroom or front door in this area, you will benefit enormously. Similarly, if the East is your total loss direction, your kitchen or bathroom check here on the realizationkeep the negative energy that this area you could give.

Their directions to go, if you use personal feng shui in this way? Always use the breadwinner of the personal best directions. It may be old fashioned, but the feng shui support should go to a person who has all the other support.

Do not waste this opportunity to your doorstep the very best, can be more productive and beautiful place. Use feng shui, so that your home really can be your homeDreams.

Fat Joe

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