Head-On: Apply directly to the forehead

I will spare you the three peat, but you know that you've heard that commercial. You can try not to hear, but it still gets stuck in your head. Could an annoying marketing campaign?

Well, it seems to work. The head of the man to know a large part of the country and learned to remember the name of their product and what it does by what I suspect was not very expensive to produce commercial! Make some money to buy spots, but they seem to have disappeareda lot about the quality approach in this area. Nevertheless, they are semi-regular gleaning information from Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, David Letterman and countless others.

It seems as if all these things has seen in America. Somehow these people have done the almost impossible. They have come a very simple and inexpensive display, built over night and apparently a very well known brand.

Now I have no idea how well this campaign conversion into sales and profits for theunique pain medication. But I must admit, just out of curiosity, I'm trying to get a few tubes myself. Frankly, I do not know if I ever want to use it, but how much fun would it be if someone asked at a party, whether you are an aspirin, and you beat your head on?

Anyway, as always, I wonder what marketing lessons can we as small business owners to learn Head On.

I think the moral of this campaign is the old cliché or KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid.Not follow (that you are stupid, nor am I!)

As a small business owner, it is easy to get too caught up in the latest trends in marketing. Especially on the Internet, you can literally mad worried about your SEO, SERM, etc. These are all important parts of your marketing puzzle, but we should not forget about good old-fashioned, proven marketing tools that we have forgotten or lost . Print advertising, cold calls, radio and TV spots, if possible, all valuableTools and should always accompany your web marketing and non-traditional methods. More than likely, some percentage of your target audience may still prefer the yellow pages, mailings, flyers and the like. Plus, if there's one thing we can in any event by the campaign cause headaches for the relief of headaches wear product, the repetition is still a marketer's best friend, so do not worry about a little overlap between the media.

It is always a good idea to check the popular AdDetermine campaigns or marketing techniques and whether they are directly applied to your forehead, I mean business!


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