Astrology - The house products - a further level of interpretation

The area of ​​astrology is vast, with so many possibilities. To put it in a reasonable percentage of the study, we have to look into segments. Once we have two segments astrological merge under reasonable control, we do not assume they can develop into a comprehensible narrative. Once we have studied an additional segment, we use the same casting process to increase our information, while maintaining cohesion. Let's look at each segment to extend our previous storage until we have a totallevel of use of information from which to draw at any time. This reminds me of the way we learn, step by step as we go.

In order to identify that body of astrological information, we begin with the birth chart wheel for every live birth. We then created from this pool of information, weaving the various segments of the case by the wheel are required to read the story of a person's life. is short, learn the basics of astrology say, so personalHistory for each sky map.

In other articles I have proposed that there are four cornerstones of astrology: planets, signs, houses and aspects. Moreover, my conclusion is that the planets are the key to the four pillars. Each of these four segments should be studied in the early stages of astrology, so that they can be combined as described to begin the process of reading. In this article we will see two planets and houses in a specific combination of segmentsTechnique called the derivative house system. This technique is suitable for students of astrology, who completed the beginner level. Soon ...

The houses are sharing the wheel 360 degrees in 12 subjects. Each bag contains approximately 1:12 of life experience or questions for each person, each is fraught with problems. Since the whole house is built rotates with the Earth at the center of each, homesexperience with the feet on the ground, the wheel and the person.
Planets represent the various functions of human beings, like the ego and self-identity calls for nesting, family and emotional calls, the function of communication and learning, to relate the stimulus to name a few. Traditionally there are ten institutions: our star, our satellite to the moon, planets and our eight children.

Derivative House system deeply study a single planet, we need to go on the general importance of these planetsSee, it works in the sign in which is positioned to occupy the house, the house rules, and the aspects in which it participates. All that is precious and it is usually as much as any reading about. The derivative technique can give an extra layer of meaning simply the process of home 12 times in the ten planets. How? We just want to start with the position of a single planet in the house and mentally see it as theFirst house planets expression. You are then successively counterclockwise around the wheel of that first home. Planet and what this planet is in the individual contribution every 12 homes and all their problems on. They do not lose the value of a regular reading of a wheel, just add another layer of meaning. An example may make this statement easier to understand.

Let's start with the sun (ego desire) in Scorpio (the sign) to start infifth house (profession), Judgement of 3 ° (Article), and then a list of aspects and their importance individually. It is through the usual method of reading the sun. For an additional level of meaning with his finger towards the sun (ego and self-identity) and realize that his house first term, no matter what the Sun at home, is how the world sees the problems as the sun, the sun and their problems immediately respond to activations from your environmentpersonal self-projection that Sun and Sun coping strategies. Where does the Sun (ego, self-identity) to start? All that really happens in the home fifth in this example, then you need to see these solar applications such as creativity, children of body and mind, speculation and family values ​​(2 ° Part 4.) The sun has more than one self-identity, but also has a system of values, communication, and all the other usual meanings and the traditional house isdetermined by this method.

When the sun in the 5th and the sun is the purpose of personal gain (the first house for that person Sun), the value of the house is near (near counterclockwise), 6. The value of the Sun that the House is the sixth report, such as work, service and / or health problems.
communication problems for the Sun (self-identity, ego, etc.) is the third house from the sun or in the 7th house in this example. In thisThis communication mechanism of the sun, the partnership will operate through the network according to the chart house owner partnership.
A more ... Home, hearth, roots (4th house) onwards, the sun is really going on in the eighth (Counterclockwise house next door) common values, common, life and death issues of financing, etc.

To make it easier for you to learn and play with this technique, here are some brief explanations of the planetary core and the houseMeanings:

First planet ...

The sun is about to self-identity, the ego, the base character and vitality overall.
The Moon represents the emotions, memory, maternal and instinctual drives.
Mercury represents communication, education and transport issues.
Venus is the ability to report and unity, the social value and financial topics.
Mars is assertive of our aggressive calls for courage or lack thereof.
Jupiter is to our expansion, philosophical, and reached for moreLife is short.
Saturn represents the structure, duties, responsibilities and organizational skills.
Uranus is synonymous with rebellion, futuristic, unique, individualized questions.
Neptune provides inspiration, aspirations, dreams, visions, delusional issues.
Pluto represents power, powerlessness, empowerment, and the fate of the work.

Then the houses ...

The house is the first natural projection, coping strategies, direct response to the environment, how the world sees.
The second houseis the value of social and economic resources, talents.
The third house is communication, education and transport, brothers, cousins ​​and neighbors.
The fourth home is home, hearth, family, roots, head of internal security and the conclusions.
The fifth house is creations of the mind and body, love, speculation, family values.
The house is your sixth day work issues, service to others and health.
The 7th house is all business partnerships andpersonal networks and alliances.
The house is the eighth most common values ​​and finance, insurance, taxes and death.
The house is ninth belief systems, higher education, law, multi-cultural activities.
The house has 10 goals, success, stature, reputation, career, success, or lack of it
The house has 11 friends, groups, the results of the desires of his career, hopes and dreams.
12 The house is hidden, recessive and sabotage can be self-explanatory, a blindPlace

Just choose a planet and read through the 12 houses, starting with the house occupies a number one You can do each of the 10 plants. This is a study technique at first, but once the shooting, whether you like in your easy reading.

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Cornerstone of astrology - planets, signs, houses and aspects

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