House Music - a rapidly growing trend in the music industry

House music is a blend of style of electronic dance music that appear to be started first on the scene in the mid-1980. House was built in Chicago and was the first DJ to create here at the club. E 'influenced by a variety of other types of dance music including funk and disco.

Nobody is really sure why this new type of music is called House, though. He can stand on one of the clubs of Chicago, where he started, which has been linkedcalled The Warehouse. Chicago is known for its warehouse parties known to the underground culture of Latin and black gay in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Frankie Knuckles, the gallery was a DJ in Europe, the combination of synthesized pop music with other types of music, including punk, disco, industrial, and New Wave and its unique music was known as the Clubhouse for the name of the file.

An alternative theory, like the house wasIts name derives from a musician named Larry Heard, who says it is so named because the recording made in people's homes. Many DJs now, drums and synthesizers to be home in a position to create this kind of music. Another theory, the set of a DJ named Chip E. is that it is registered for the study of how music is called. No one really knows which of these theories is correct.

The development of house music has come in places where young people and other peopleclubs were popular as party houses, garages and clubs. Finally the music began to get airplay on the radio. The length and the origins of the house makes it less than ideal for the commercial market. It took the musical instruments and changed their sound and used them in new and interesting ways. There are still plenty of people around the world, the scene of house music and house music they're creating. Year after year, new musicians and DJs in the comingHouse music scene, and has remained popular so long.

Many different cities across the country, including New York, Detroit and Atlanta have a thriving house music scene, especially in areas with a diverse population. In other countries such as Germany, Australia and Scandinavia, is very popular. In Chicago, there is also a house of Unification Day, the Music celebrates the birth of every house in this city Aug. 10. It is not just a fad, is amusic genre that will continue to grow and spread.


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