Feng Shui and Creativity

The former practice of Feng Shui originated in China, but has implications for all living things, like gravity. As a form of metaphysical art, Feng Shui is a vast body of theories and techniques to improve the quality of life. Health, finances and relationships are all alive and where you work Feng Shui, and shows that on a level that many are not aware of influences.

One area of ​​life and existence, which is extremely important for many people their creative potential.Writers, actors, artists, and many creative people in the entertainment industry, food or fashion house can benefit from all the treatments developed Feng Shui musicians creative potential to increase or enhance the creative areas that are already inherent in them.

The key is: how can creative fields, and then use the parts of the ground floor. I once had a client whose home has been found that the area's most creative landed in their masterBathroom. This is usually a waste of good space, which is why Feng Shui is so powerful in the development phase. If someone knew in advance where the best remote areas would be home for her, she could bedrooms built the house to ensure that the main entrance and landed on the seat at home in good areas and not wasted on areas that just used. With a client with a great creative field landed in his bathroom, I started to explain that it was not so desirable, you say thatthat I actually have most of their ideas for the script, while soaking in his bathtub!

Each house has a few places that can stimulate the creativity to increase. Typical remedies often use design and decorative elements, with water as one of the most powerful natural place to add. Because I love water fountains and aquariums. As well, there are some house types that naturally attract creative people. For example, between the houses1924-1943 as the "Period 4" case and the era of the design includes many types of homes that are great for creative people. Just certain sections of Los Angeles, which are full of houses of this period (West Hollywood, Beverly Hills) to see that people often try to adapt their home. In addition, some of the major studies on the properties of old structures in this period 4th time at Fox Studios, there are some buildings built between 1984-2003 and the south-west facethat at the end with the energy "4" in the center, which means that the building can support creative efforts. The "4 stars" is not literal, as the number 4 or part of an address to be understood. It 's just the code for the energies can be calculated the same way that you can choose water as H2O.

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