astrological factors and building a home - astrology predictions 2010

It is not just a man, the crown of creation, has the instinct to own a home, but can be found throughout the animal kingdom. The cells of the honeycomb, the models of mathematical skills and the economy during the ant hills are famous for their strength. So this basic instinct can never be the exclusive property of the people. But, sorry to say, man, through arrogance and pride often does not draw attention to the astrological factors that are charged as significant as inThe choice of a site or design for the building.

A house seems to be glorious and beautiful in its appearance and can complete the accessories on the basis of health standards and here we find that external factors, which may be the house, as the morphology intact. But the story of domestic factors or psychological? Every natural object is the radiation, the cosmic power in various forms. Materialsused for the construction and the start of the construction process itself affect the penetration and interaction of the progression of these invisible forces that the exercise time should be chosen in a strong position identical, these invisible rays. The old Maharshi understood the importance of the interaction of these forces between the elements in nature and man, although in modern times, there was a Russian engineer and scientist, Georges Lakhovsky that its reality is demonstrated.

All inNature, whether animal, vegetable or mineral can be created and destroyed by the disregard of the effects of the sun and its various amendments. Many large buildings, designed for individual use or for the community or nation, the cause of the sinking of the parties was. You can not say that the structures, the loss or foundering have imposed on the project promoters are not made with good technical skills. If using large amounts of money for such enterprises, it is normalI think the best minds in engineering and was controlled with the utmost care has been made of legal materials. When the best materials and best spirits are used, of course, you can expect that the results be the best.

On the contrary, it was discovered that some of the structures safely in the hands of ruthless time, while others break down very quickly, some bring prosperity to the owner, while some cause misery, unhappiness, and ultimate destruction. You can notsuch as accidents, while some designs that were in the hands of ruthless invaders wild, others close to them or to set up a substantial proportion of these are considered to be shaken under the circumstances. Surely there are some reasons for these differences in the fate of a building. The reasons are traded too far behind the surface layers and joint design are investigated. The explanation can be found in the noble design works of the astrology of the wise.

If aConstruction began at a time, there is much power in the materials that are astrological rules, if the effects of working against the forces of adhesion, cohesion, and the combination of chemical influences etc. stellar zodiac sign and are in equilibrium when the magnetic forces can be determined beneficial to the Association and a long life of materials is considered to prosper for a long time.

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