Indication of a violent and abusive husband in astrology

A pattern of abusive and violent behavior by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, when a person tries to dominate and control the other person as domestic violence or force is unknown.

In astrology, it is possible, the risk of the person you currently provide or will soon be involved, being abusive and violent.

Behaviors and characteristics of violent and abusive husband:

° [list physical aggression, biting,Slapping, kicking, etc.]

· Abuse

· Negative attitudes towards women

· Jealousy

· Check the behavior

Unrealistic expectations ·

· Blame-shifting for the problems

• economic discrimination against women.

· About sensitivity

· Cruelty to Children

· Sexual violence and rape in marriage

Factors that contribute to violent and abusive husband:

· Ascendant: body, mind and habits of the indigenous

· House of the sixth:Enemies, litigation, injury, bad reputation, unhappiness, shame, fear

· Seventh house: the social condition, sex, relationships, life partners,

· Eighth house: Litigation, sex, relationships, anxiety and cause of death, sex organs

° 12 ° House unconscious fears or guilt, resentment or hatred, past life karma, potentially damaging secrets, secret enemies, saboteurs, secret conspiracies, the secret motivations suppressed knowledge,

· Moon: inferiority complexbetween human weakness, emotional instability, frustration and emotional blocks

· Jupiter significant husband

· Venus: sexual pleasure, material comfort incestuous, an adulterer, scandal-free a people, a fellow lazy media,

· Mars brutal violent, aggressive, murder, violence, riots, fires, the rules of their own sexuality, sexual energy, accidents and operations, perseverance and courage through nature.

· Saturn: obstruction, depression, extreme discipline,Problem, the lack of sensitivity, lack of consideration, an excessive concern

· Rahu: mood angry and volatile, tough talk, falsehood, sin, mental illness, problems of spouse

· Ketu: uncontrollable nature, conniving, vicious, horrible

Unique combination of a violent and abusive husband:


· Mars in astrology is responsible for, jealousy, anger, lust and aggression and violence. Mars is just a lot of destructive power. Marsresponsible for the violent behavior of a person.

· Mars sets in the house produces 1st/2nd/4th/7th/12th Mangal dosha is like one or the other concerns marital disputes and domestic violence

· Wait Mars seventh house / master, pointing to a violent and aggressive partner.

· Combination of Mars and Saturn, Rahu gives hostile and violent actions.

· Mars set in the 7th house and aspect / collaborators of Saturn, the lower animal naturethe man is obvious that the anger, resentment, stubbornness, resentment, and an unforgiving nature, there can be sadness and depression from her husband.

7th house / Libra:

· Seventh House Lord is in Aries Sign / Scorpion / or associated aspect of Mars, indicate a violent and aggressive spouse.

Existing fire · / planets divisive character, such as the sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu / Ketu in the seventh house shows the violent nature ofBride.

· The Scorpion nodes assigned to the 7th house.

· Venus and Rahu in 7th place

° 6 / 8 placement of the lords of Ascendant and the 7th house.

• The Lord of the Ascendant / 7 nodes connected / functional malefic

Look · Terms of at least two planets retrograde in the 7th house, as the violent nature of the spouse.

· Involve / Saturn aspect of nature can happen in the seventh house of marriage conflict, in which in can be violent. MoreThe conflicts in married life is displayed while transit Saturn

· Ketu in the 7th house, life can be in the wedding and the wedding business are out of unhappy marriage.

· Saturn and Rahu, Sun and Mars, Mars and Rahu in 7th house shows combine domestic violence.

8 house / Scorpio:

· House Scorpio/8th warrior have quality and is more about domestic violence and family disputes. He informed us about the possibility of divorceand failure in conjugal life of the natives.

8th House · shows the level of disability of the natives partnership might face in their marriage e.

Men · House eighth represented the sexual organs, when affected, sexual incompetence increases the violent character of the partner.

12 home:

• 12 ° home afflictions is immoral sexual life, which leads to domestic violence.

· And Mars Saturnproblems of attitude and cooperation is expected to house 12.

· Mars in house 12 ° increases the desire to reduce the sex, but the satisfaction that extramarital affairs caused domestic political problems.


Affected · or weak Jupiter shows egoistic nature of married couples.

· Moon is shown in inharmonious aspect with Jupiter of dissatisfaction in marriage.

Is struck Jupiter, Mars-Saturn-Rahu shows essayIntelligence, ignorance, extravagance and arrogance of man.


° 6 / 8 position of Venus and the Moon shows a dispute in the marriage.

· Rahu is conjunct Venus, bizarre, uncontrollable spouse.

Affected · Venus and Mercury in the 7th makes the partner prone to secret pleasures abusive to his character.

• The Venus of Mars, in conjunction, such as problems in married life, including violence that


• If the seventh in aspect with Venus occupying a sign of Mars, showing the animal instinct of man-sex.


Geeta JI [faith healer]


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