Progressive moon

Progressive moon. That there are many ways to calculate a chart - they all have their favorites. Personally, I use the solar diagram (ie the amount of sun, as the first house cusp), then we take the ambiguity of the Ascendant (which requires the exact time of birth) that use this system and there are many systems - the Moon calculated your progress is. No matter what system you use - the sign of the progress of the Moon is always the same, but theHouse will be different! As mentioned above, I found this system very useful, useful and accurate, because I'm ready for the complex art and science of astrology and the Internet available to all, and remove the jargon ...

To know, or "experience" of the background of your life for a period of time through the progressive understanding of the concept of the moon, let me say this: your general mood is symbolized by the progressed Moon-sign. [For example: my progressed Moon is in Aquarius - give my character to any aquarium in nature!] is the position of House, however, where I answer or be able to focus my thoughts. Another example: my progressed Moon (no matter what system I use) is in Aquarius) 3 house (with the chart with the sun now come from the 2nd to the 3rd house will stay for about 2 and a half years, but Change sign "" In this period, and a fish progressed Moon - and change my layout and the response to 3> House activities. It 'important to the understanding of this concept, we understand the essence of your Moon can move forward.

The location of the home progressed Moon shows areas of life, where you will be "pulled" or "conscious". The "tour" of the progress of the Moon is often caused or manifested a significant event or experience (as when entering or leaving a house or change sign) redesign of your life in some way in-and out or to down andin! Focus your attention to where your moon is progressive (by sign and house) to help you become conscious (control) of the unconscious process and is not responding (out of control) for the process be conducted in ...

The progressed Moon triggers the response, evoking memories and awaken your potential - "activation" of any planet in each house occurs. Your Moon is in the way that even experienced, channeled through the sign and house placement and all aspectsmakes with other planets and points in your horoscope. No one can isolate a pure experience of lunar archetype, because nothing exists. The information provided will give you an idea of ​​what kind of experience - top or not - you will encounter. Although there are many born on the same date of birth we are all different - not with the same mother, care, lifestyle, education or background, etc.

This is the "secret" understanding of astrology for all of usBorn to explore the experiences / life in physical incarnation on Earth, through the vehicle of the uterus - we all experience the same things - not in the same space and time even in the same way, but believe me - we're all the same - all the results! Since ancient times the moon has marked the passage of time, was the herald of the seasons and proclaimed the beginning and end of the cycles of nature. It governs the patterns and rhythms of everyday life and keep the wisdom of the soul! Ourbehavior patterns and habits and our instinctive reactions are in "their" land for all sectors of life including birth and death, light and shade and your Moon sees these paradoxes. "As the goddess of women, she governs the stomach and the family - their role is to nurture and to protect and in its archetypal form is the real place of safety and security of the daily pattern of our lives are a patchwork of emotions, moods and feelings.. The astrological Moon Records and stores all theseall in the subconscious as "she" cycles around the Earth every 27.3 days.

The moon is a symbol of memory. In the diagram, is to admit that our experiences and personal stories, the vessel that contains our ancestors contains legacies. Governing body and the fluids inside the body that connects the moon to the concept of personal and ancestral memory inside the cells instead. Without memory, we can not know ourselves or others, without memory, we have no history and no memory,not to live in the moment! Connected to your mobile phone or racial memory (backward in time) so that "they", "fantasy" link for our "imagination" is the most powerful tool we possess people: "How do you think is who you are or what you think , what or who you become ... "

Note: The moon in your birth was a new moon, first quarter, full moon or the last quarter will be given for such a great understanding of a "theme" for life. "You" the ruler of Cancer is considered superiorin Taurus, in the autumn at a disadvantage in Scorpio and Capricorn ...

Remember, the Sun's individuality (if only) the moon about your personality (if in the company of others) to think about. The waxing and waning moon, its ebb and flow of sensation and emotional experience has a revitalizing effect on body and mind (and thus the need for sleep), where we connect with our dream called "Memories" (pleasant or unpleasant) because when we "sleep" the body has the ability to recover fromEvery day ...

Cardinal Moon (at birth): Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn: I am confident, and more interested in promoting change and affect the environment. These people who control it is always one step ahead. Aries for leadership and control in general. emotions to try to control cancer moon, home and family, the scales of the Moon, partnerships and relationships to control their social environment. Capricorn often use the moon to usephysical environment - this is a difficult or complex Luna / memory as ...

Fixed Moon (at birth): Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius: These are the most stable and independent. They leave the room only to be more concerned about personal issues, resistance to external influences on their lives! Their strength is the consistency, their weakness is their tendency to preserve the past ...

Taurus is the most stable behavior and attitude, some of LeoDifficulty in changing behavior and attitude that tends Scorpion stuck in a rut and stay emotionally Aquarian Moon often "trapped" in a negative self-image ...

Variable Moon (at birth): Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces: These characters are open to influences and as such are more flexible to the outside, but at least stable! They are easy to let go of people and things. Gemini tends changing the ideas that dominate the Virgin of environmental issues has, Sagittariusconstantly changing views on life and fish, while adjusting on a superficial level, can easily become the unit of cosmic recycling collecting negative energy of others ...

Let's look at Progressions

Progressed Moon in Aries: A time to start new projects and a time to act. Express yourself as extravagant as possible. The keyword for this time: the identity. This position of the Moon is powerful, it's time to invent new staff in some way, with a new look orWay to express and present themselves. This is a busy time personally when you're feeling energetic and enthusiastic. Think about how you present yourself, others focus on changing personal habits in order to increase confidence in themselves and reach to achieve your best, because this is a time when you noticed and get a personal impression on others. Factor importance of authenticity, because if you're honest with yourself, how can you expect othersbe honest with you? This moon gradually recalls the importance of acting on your impulses and faith in us. This is a time when you may feel brave and enjoy new experiences. This is a Fire Moon and the focus turned outward, the energy and action ...

Progressed Moon in Taurus: Express yourself with confidence, sensuality and sexual sensitivity to the world of the five senses, the body (even if the conservative and look around you right!)Environment and Security is obtained from the solid ground that you have created for themselves is the order for that time. Mood for, and appreciation of the physical world of the senses, attention now, this is a time again in terms of how to organize their lives, a sense of worth and dignity. Financial matters come into focus. Setting realistic financial goals, formulate a reasonable budget and financial planning of other projects, are expected today. Discovernew ways to increase your income - just remember, it is also a time for the moments (time out) for the sake alone with the efforts of land, tactile and comforting. appeal to work in the garden and if you save money, patrons, consider a new dress? The keyword for this time is: sensuality. This is an earth-moon, the time to ensure the security and the search to find your secret - remember, the "world" you live feed your "body" ...

Progressed Moon in Gemini:There is a need for stimulation, challenge and variety in your life so do not turn volatile, restless or rattle like a crazy parrot! The keyword for this time is: communication, what to say other than a crisis is always listening and people need somewhere a sounding board, that's you!

These advances Moon rules our communication skills, learning skills, daily interactions and in general a period of "busy". This is a favorable time for learningsomething new, well-being in social situations, you take care of the mundane details of everyday life and develop a rapport with others in conversation, is a good time to take tests, fill out forms, write a new course, letters, phone calls, updating or learning computer skills! This is an AIR-Moon, in which your curiosity on, new friends, the doors of opportunity "open" and discover the world - approaching others in a conversational- Remember, we communicate in many ways - think body language ...

Progressed Moon in Cancer: The keyword for this time: LIFESTYLE.Home and family will be your focus. pay on a personal level of development, this is a time to listen to your instincts, but a tribute to you! What makes you feel safe and this is a time to explore and develop a sense of security. These advances Moon brings a greater awareness of your roots, issues of intimacy andVulnerability and is an excellent time to get in touch with your feelings and needs. Focusing on your support and how helping others is also likely. This is a good time to make long term plans for the future, any kind of reorganization or remodeling at home or in the creative imagination environment.Your home "in full swing," I just want to hear these words from your inner self and act on them! A water-moon and a time to buildFuture by understanding the past - the plans for if not - you will only repeat the same ol 'Same Ol' ...

Progressed Moon in Leo: This is your "play"-Time creative expression within the scope of the moon, the creative spark! romantic inclinations are shown, as well as any kind of celebrations, playful, and just ready for fun! It will be his need for recognition and feedback from others who, like many ways to get your creativityImpact on the world around you. This can be a time lover and a time where you feel more daring than usual. If you have something good about you (especially if you build the advantage back and re-emphasis of you have asked for the moon before, "shine" in this period expressive - great for parties and entertainment on a large scale, this is a !. time to "Making Babies." If you do not have partners at the time you have more and found your soul mate! Making Babies can also mean the creation of aIdea of ​​an idea! (Pensateci!) Cupid the keyword for this time and he will be more to work is, as you know! You're going to make a Fire Moon in which you want to share, view, show off your talents, abilities and gifts. In other words, we want to live a little '...

Progressed Moon in Virgo: The keyword for this time is: welfare. Keep busy, priority, because if the moon falls here (no matter what your sign) is the best time for themselves. This periodopens a new era under the diet, routine health and favorable work schedules can be successfully launched. It 'a moment of Taking Care of Business, data management and increase efficiency of work reorganization, or simply love! There is also a good time to analyze all the way in which critical thinking is now at its peak. If you have a pair of love handles or a little more like cellulite because you do not enroll in a local gym would be!

The people around you arecritical, picky and sarcastic, and if you "purchase" in their criticism you get what occurs Earn're earth-moon, but "different" to the end for his "nose to the grindstone" - work, work and more work - looking for work in the service of others (consider volunteering if necessary) ...

Progressed Moon in Libra: The light and a bit 'funny. Continue to meet people and make contacts for you a little 'lurve' in your life. Negotiations andDiplomacy are highlighted during this time, a time to begin new relationships or to redefine existing ones! Issues of sharing and partnership come to the fore, a greater awareness of the need for substantial someone to lean on or rely on associated with that time. If you are sensitive to see the lack of support from a partner (s), this is the right time to ask yourself as a friend you are! You have to be wined, dined and seduced, for something a bit 'more special, right?This is a good time for business projects given the green light and for those in positions of power to hear your ideas and goals, not to sell short. Relationships and what they mean for you is the keyword for this time. Again we have a Moon AIR, but more social, friendly and nice. What do you miss will show you what or who you need, come to the fore!

Progressed Moon in Scorpio: The keyword for this is that the processing time. Looking for someExcitement in your life a bit 'of confusion - this is the time you're waiting! The moon is in its detriment in Scorpio, and people (including you) may be a bit 'mysterious! A time of empowerment and self-control, focus on issues of intimacy, you will enjoy a greater awareness of others, "what makes them tick," as well as your inner motivations, it is also a good time to present a budget to start a savings plan, get a loan or to consolidate what they already have. BeGently down the dark alleys, visit the places that normally do not go! On the other side of the coin, this is a moment of serious self-analysis and order what you want from life. ! Often during this progression as inventing something or someone dies, "to make room for something or someone to do it again we will experience a water or moon other than the last one for now as long as the deepest experience and bonds - and harmony a balance could"Back Seat" and search for something or someone with more depth ...

Progressed Moon in Sagittarius: The keyword for this time is: independence. Personal freedom is your need, and heaven help anyone who wants to limit! This progression reflects our soul to grow, to explore and expand beyond the "normal" life experiences. Restlessness and dissatisfaction with the regular routine - work on new projects or activities to expand your mind to start, you feed your mindfor adventure, and stretch your imagination and will be replaced by a new perspective. Something philosophical or spiritual adventure that you read or study or that take you away from the mundane routine is likely to happen. You know who you are and you do not need me to say that it is time to start that novel to write your memoirs or just compile your own game plan of life for the "big picture" is what you should at this time. Search Hear that little voice in your head (the guide)and do what he or she requires from you! Another fire, but unlike the moon above you do not want to be limited or restricted by boundaries. growing independence, new experiences and intellectual progress Moon is what this is all ...

Progressed Moon in Capricorn: Not an easy position for the moon - for memories lie deep unmet needs! Increased sensitivity to your position in society and the goals for constructive progress highlighted. Goals for self-controland self-discipline should be at this time. This is a phase in which it is organized with the professional and / or functions of public-NOW busy. Stop looking back, stop, forward and begin to live the moment! Design and develop new projects and goals, and more "strategic" and bring renewal, revival and rebirth, your professional goals. Concentrate on the elements of your personality you are projecting as a professional user - Become saw a winner or loser? A good timewith supervisors or superior and treat, if you want to present yourself in your best light! If life in chaos, it's time to bring order and structure, if designed for your life, for the regiment, it's time for some "de-structuring". The keyword for this time is that parents and their relationship with them! Another earth-moon yet, unlike the previous emphasis is on for what they have achieved or can not be achieved over the last few years!

Progressive moonAquarius: The key word of this period is originality. Do not expect others to understand this Moon, the best or worst of all! 'S time to network, socialize, always involved with group activities and increase the earned income. You need to be yourself, follow your star, and if you do, others will follow for you are the true pioneer of the Aquarian Age. This progression is committed to making contacts and to others both insocial and professional purposes. There is a time for inner restlessness in a positive attitude with others - aims to involve the network, so that connections with others, joining or strengthening the bonds of a group of project / activity. This is a time for friends / companion ship and in relation to others in their (original inimitable way), because we do not know who we are, until they share our thoughts with others! This is a MOON-AIR, where the desire to see, as an individual will be your attention,Think about this for as I said - you never know who we are, when we have too much in our heads!

Progressed Moon in Pisces: The key word of this period is: relax. This is a time of review, let go, and also to recharge your spiritual and physical batteries. " Focus on fulfillment through service, empathy and awareness of the needs of others, but it can also be a time of withdrawal, and a kind of refuge in the social sense, depending on the personal and naturalProvision. A kind of self-examination is in order, and the drive to a certain degree of emotional / mental peace is obvious. This is a significant increase of the moon and his best when looking for peace, see the 'soul within the self "in preparation for the next progression! Relax and swim with the current, you may feel a bit 'vulnerable, weak and helpless, in this time! Play your favorite music, watch an old movie, they treat you and you'll feel better. You need a little '"Something", and your goal, light your candles, make your statement, take this spell and bring what you want out of life in Real Life - Be patient! If you can look around with a "hang dog's fault when people ignore? This is an amusement water with the emotional need is to connect to your inner world a priority, and more and more evident over time (albeit slowly) ...

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